1st Trimester

raspberry fatigue

Wow, am I ever tired. Sunday I slept from 5:30 PM until 5:30 AM.I can't BELIEVE how tired I am...even when I'm not tired enough for a nap, I rarely have enough energy to get up off the couch and get things done.1) What's worse...1st tri fatigue or new-baby fatigue? I'm seriously curious...2) When will this end?! I'm 8 weeks now...raspberry baby

Re: raspberry fatigue

  • Upon further thought, I guess the fact that I can sleep 12 hours without having to wake up makes first tri fatigue not all that bad compared to new baby fatigue!
  • New baby fatigue is not pretty:) Sleep now!





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  • Honestly? First tri fatigue has always been worse for me!

    ETA: that's how I knew I needed to POAS!  I never ever feel like this, not even when I had a newborn.  It was a dead giveaway.

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  • Not sure what the norm is for when it ends, but at 11 weeks I am finally starting to feel like myself again. Of course now I'm worrying that if my symptoms are disappearing that something is wrong, but others have told me this is normal!

     Can't say which is worse because this is my first! 

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  • New baby is way worse.  You never know when or how long you will get that elusive sleep.  Also the fatigue only lasted for the first tri so there's an end in sight.  New baby, you never know how long they will be keeping you up. 

    BTW sorry 'bout the negativity.  Tired like the rest of you all and E is either sick or teething. :(  

    I wouldn't trade being a momma for the world... not even sleep <3

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  • im going to say first tri fatigue. I could hardly make it to work during first tri. When the baby is here, you will be extremely tired but you wont care cause you are so excited and willing to do anything for LO!

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  • I think it depends on the baby.  Mine didn't sleep thru the night until 16 months.  So... for me, definitely new baby fatigue!
  • I was the same way until this week (week 11). I felt awful and guilty because I did not feel like doing anything. Thank goodness for DH, because he has been a big help around the house.

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  • I don't have a baby yet as this is my first so I can't talk about which is worse, but I can tell you I'm exausted. I feel awful, too. I never feel like doing anything, it's all I can do to get my work done...I never wake up with H now for work and I always used to. I just can't open my eyes! Luckily I work from home most of the time and don't have to be online until 10....and most afternoons, I end up napping on the couch and only waking up if I get a call or have to reply to an email.
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  • It's hard to say because I have new baby fatigue combined with 1st tri fatigue.  I am EXHAUSTED like I've never been before.  I'm still getting up twice a night with DD so I'm tired from that plus I struggle to get through my day.  I know I didn't feel this tired before I got pregnant this time.  I will say though, those first few weeks at home with DD were brutal.  I seriously had my mom come visit a couple of mornings just so I could take a nap. 
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  • i'm 8 weeks today and this is the most tired i have felt yet.
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  • I got really lucky and DS slept 6 hours at night a 6 weeks old. With this fatigue kicking my butt right now I'd have to say first tri is worse, but who knows once this LO is actually here!
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