1st Trimester

Anyone Breastfeeding?

I'm still nursing my son and it's becoming uncomfortable. I'm not even sure he's getting much, if anything at all. Anyone else still nursing? Do you plan to continue? I'm pretty torn about it all....
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Re: Anyone Breastfeeding?

  • aglennaglenn member
    I am! No discomfort so far, so I have no immediate plans to stop. I know there are some ladies on the AP board who have nursed during pregnancy if you are curious.
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  • Hmmm...thanks. I used to frequent that board a lot, but I haven't been on here much. I'll check them out :)

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  • I am but honestly my supply isn't keeping up and we started supplementing this week. It makes me sad to think about it but my Dr. recommended I wean. ;(
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  • I EP and it was already uncomfortable for me in the first place since I have a terrible letdown and "sticky" milk according to my LC so each session takes me nearly an hour, which is already hard enough on my nipples, never mind on my sanity with a 10 month old all over the place.  My supply has taken a huge hit, too.  I was getting about 10oz a session about 2 months ago.  Then I made my sessions 6 hours apart since he's drinking less now anyways and it went down to about 8oz per session.  Now I get like 4-5oz.  It's still enough because I pump one more time per day than he has bottles and mix 1-2oz of WCM or goats milk with each bottle.  Every day when I get up I tell myself that maybe this is my last day, but I've been saying that since he turned 6 months, so who knows.  But now that my boobs are sore all over, I think it will be time to quit very soon.
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    ~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
    ~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
    ~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
    ~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
  • I'm still nursing. Up until a couple days ago, DD was still nursing 4 times a day, now she's down to two. My nipples were really sensitive for a few weeks, but it's gotten better now. I read it's normal to experience that when bf'ing and pregnant. I can tell my supply has gone down (also normal when pregnant). It's also common for your nursling to wean when you're pregnant. Not all kiddos do, but it's common. It looks like my DD is weaning herself, so I'm just enjoying these potentially numbered days of nursing her. We've had a good run, but I think it'd be nice to have a little break before baby #2 arrives. I think it'll be emotional when she's done, but I'm glad it's on her terms.
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  • I am! I had planned on weaning at 20 weeks, at my midwife's suggestion, but I believe in baby-lead weaning so we're just going to keep going.

    I get uncomfortable too though--especially at night, for some reason, I get sick to my stomach. He's pretty much weaned during the day though. He nurses maybe once during the day and 2-3 times at night....I suspect night weaning will be OH SO MUCH FUN! ;)

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    Breast-feeding, co-sleeping, Christian SAHM and wife.
  • I'm 11-1/2 weeks pg (TB won't let me update my ticker or siggy). I was BFing my twins 1-2 times a day until I weaned 3 weeks ago. BFing was a little uncomfortable but not too bad. I weaned primarily because I don't want to be BFing three LOs. I needed enough time to pass between the girls being weaned and the baby arriving so when they see me BFing the newborn, they don't want to be nursed too.
  • When I was pg with DS2, I was still nursing DS1.  I nursed through the first trimester and then DS1 weaned himself around 13wks pg.

    I had to take More Milk Two in order to keep my supply up but even that was difficult.  It's a supplement designed for pregnant nursing mothers.

    (I do belong on this board, not lurking... just don't know my edd yet).

    ETA: my ob was fine with my nursing through my whole pregnancy if I wanted to, it was never a concern.

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  • Thanks for asking this question, I was just about to post something similiar.

    I'm still early with an TBD EDD and BFing our DS. It has not gotten too uncomfortable yet, but I'm not sure what to expect.

  • Not still breastfeeding. I just wanted to say wow!!! I never had af or got pregnant while breastfeeding. It didn't matter how little they nursed. It took a whole month for af to return and on average about 5 months to conceive after weaning. No bc either. I have  4 children and 1 mc. I have a friend who conceived while nursing  but I didn't realize it was so common. I want to say you guys are lucky but I kind of like the bc without having to take anything. Good luck to all of you!!!!
    DD 11,m/c 2/01 5 wks,DS 9, DS 2,DS 1,slow agonizing mmc followed by d&c 6/20/11 @ 11 wks & 1 day
  • imageblm432:
    Not still breastfeeding. I just wanted to say wow!!! I never had af or got pregnant while breastfeeding. It didn't matter how little they nursed. It took a whole month for af to return and on average about 5 months to conceive after weaning. No bc either. I have  4 children and 1 mc. I have a friend who conceived while nursing  but I didn't realize it was so common. I want to say you guys are lucky but I kind of like the bc without having to take anything. Good luck to all of you!!!!

    Henry was EBF, no bottles, no paci, bed shared etc....and I STILL got my period at 10 months. I felt cheated! Hahaha!

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  • Yup I'm still BFnig but like just about everyone else my supply SUCKS!  I barely get 2-4 oz at work when I pump (so I'm considering just stopping pumping all together at work).

    I still BF DD in the morning and at night very well, but I had to start sending little bottles of formula to the babysitter because she still needs milk and I don't want to give her WCM yet.  I'm waiting til she turns 1 yr to do cow's milk.  I figure I EBF her for 10 months so 1 month of a little formula is ok.  I just really wish I could have EBF til a year.  But seriously, being pregnant has made my supply tank.

    I haven't really experienced much nipple sensitivity I think they've just taken such a beating after BFing for 11 months that they're practically numb!

    Oh and I also got my AF when DD was like 9 months old and I was still EBF!

  • I am.  I just found out that I'm pregnant today, so it's too early to tell if we'll continue.  She has already shown that she doesn't seem to like it much right now, but she still wants the closeness to me.  I just started giving her whole milk last week and I am mentally ready for her to be done,  I just don't want to be mean yet . I definitely will if it starts to get painful though. You've had 12 months kid!!! ..lol
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  • i am still nursing my son, hee is 15 months. no plans to stop. tthere is a lot of great information at www.kellymom.com about nurrsing while pregnant and tandeem  nursing.
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  • Still nursing my soon to be 15 month old and I'm not going to stop until he weans himself.  It's painful for the first 10 seconds when latching and I barely have any milk left but I don't think he even cares.  I think it's more of the comfort, he almost seems to want to nurse more now that I'm pregnant.
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  • I too am still nursing my DS - but we are down to once a day - at night before bed.

    I did notice a decline in my supply once I found out I was expecting again.

    I plan to continue another week or so (until his 1st birthday!) and use up my supply in the freezer (have about 20 days worth stored.)


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