So I played hooky from work because MS was kicking my butt and I'm watching Extreme Couponing. These people are amazing! Has anyone ever tried this? We definitely don't have the space for the extreme aspect, but I think I better start paying more attention to what's in my Sunday paper!!!
Livia Laurianne born 1.25.12 | 6 pounds, 11 ounces | 19 inches
Re: NBR... My mind is blown by extreme couponing!
LOL I'm watching it too - it's crazy!! I still can't wrap my head around how they do it!
too funny
I coupon.
This morning, I went to CVS and bought 6 4-packs of charmin TP, 12 pack of pop, a shick hydro razor.
Using coupons and extra care bucks, I paid $1.37.
I don't have a HUGE stock pile, but we could eat for 6 months if there was a financial hicup...
Layla 01.08.12
Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13
My Gang. Halloween 2013
That must be a policy at that store. I combine store coupons and manufacturer coupons all the time. Like PP poster said I go to CVS and Walgreens and use manufacturer coupons with store coupons and Extra Care Bucks/ Register Rewards to make my out of pocket as little as possible. I know that CVS, Walgreens, WalMart, and Target allow you to combine a manufacturer and store coupon because I have copies of their corporate coupon policies (and they advertise it in our papers) but the grocery stores around here have regional coupon policies so they do vary.
I have never had millions of coupons but last time I went to Walgreens I think I had about 30 coupons. But I paid $4 for 6 liters of smart water, 3 liters of a local root beer, a package of bar soap, shaving cream, two toilet bowl cleaners, two air freshners, an airwick freshmatic, and a candy bar so it was worth my time (And Walgreens gets money from the manufacturer so it was worth theirs too)
Layla 01.08.12
Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13
My Gang. Halloween 2013
If you like reading blogs and message forums (which I would take as a yes on the message forums) I recommend and
The first is a forum where they post ads for various stores and coupon inserts from Sunday papers/ online coupons. People post what they are buying based on the Sunday paper and the coupons so it basically takes the work out of it for you. I look there all the time to stock up on shampoo and conditioner (I like Infusium 23 and DH likes Garnier and since these are usually pricey I watch for deals to get a couple bottles) and razor cartridges since these are outrageously expensive.
The second is a blog. I just started looking at it so Im not that familiar with it but a friend of mine got $75 worth of groceries for $5 with coupons and price matches that she learned about on this blog.
There are also facebook groups that you can join for tips.
I have to go alone...
I am curious about produce too. Do these people eat processed food only, or do they ever eat clean, fresh food?
Also, the episode I just watched had a woman buy 540 yogurts (the type with candies on top to mix in) and 400 boxes of cat food. I hope she gives some of this stuff to charity because there is no way all of that will be put to use.
Layla 01.08.12
Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13
My Gang. Halloween 2013
I dont see them eat produce on the show but I coupon like crazy and I get coupons for cherry tomatoes and Cuties on the paper. My grocery store also has a card and they track your purchase. Every month I get a coupon for free baby carrots and $ off various produce items that I buy frequently.
I just started couponing about a month ago after watching this show. I went this week to Albertson's (i live in Louisiana) and got $120 worth of grocers for $40. Once you save up your coupons you only buy whats on sale. I base what I cook each day based on the sale papers and what I already have stocked up.
The people on the show buy meat and produce using the overages they get from purchases the coupon/sale value is greater than the price rung up. So they may buy 100 boxes of cereal if they get 50 cents back for each box. The overage most stores will apply to your bill so you can get your fresh vegetables and fresh meat. I can't stock pile so I won't ever be doing this, but it is nice to not pay $100 week on groceries for a family of 4 soon to be 5. Plus it is exciting to find really good deals. My DH is really getting into it as well.
if I was in D-town...I'd go with you!