I went to my primary care physician on Saturday morning because I had an awful cough since last Wednesday. She drew blood to check for infections and did a strep test. Everything came back fine so she said take Zyrtec at night and Mucinex during the day. She said she's ordinarily prescribe something with codeine, but obviously that is not an option Monday I had an ob appt. and told him how I was feeling. His response was to wait it out. I feel so miserable and can't sleep at night which is making matters even worse.
Am I being a wimp? Has anyone had a "bug" so far and how long did you have to wait until it finally went away? If you've had really bad head/chest cold, what did you do to get better?
Re: Terrible cough - what has worked for you?
I had a cold and it lasted two weeks! Being pregnant makes it hard to get better and they definately linger. I remember posting about it and others who had gotten stick, stayed sick awhile.
I tried to rest a lot, even more so then what I was doing. I took it really easy and it finally went away with a weekend of rest.
Buy fresh or dried camomile (fiesta or whole foods carries it- most stores only sell dried these days
) & do camomile infusions (stick the camomile flowers in a pot of water, boil the pot of water, put a towel over your head, put your head over the pot & inhale big huffs). try & get as much of that steam down the hatch.
Also, be drinking as much hot (caffeine free) (organic- if you want to feel really good about yourself
) tea. Break that crap up with some heat!!
Also, spit out the crap that comes up... it's not time to be a lady... get rid of it lol.
Avoid the hot baths however, i read sitting in a hot tub or hot bath... bringing your body temp up can potentially be harmful to the baby.
I had a chest cold during wks 4 thru 8... it was miserable, but the little tricks helped. I hope you get better soon!