1st Trimester

No symptoms?

I am 4 wks 5 days w/ my 2nd and have NO symptoms.  I'm starting to get nervous.  I was bloated on Friday but haven't been since.  Boobs feel 100% normal, everything does really.

I am starting to get nervous.  I know for sure I was getting sick w/ DS by now (I was really sick w/ him until 5 months) and was kind of bloated.

Is this normal at this stage?  Am I freaking out about nothing?  I am trying to get by each day by telling myself that if I don't have anything by 7 weeks, I'll ask my Dr. for an u/s.  Right now my first appointment is set at 11 weeks. I'd hate to think I made it 11 weeks when in reality I lost the baby earlier than that.

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***Nestie Bestie w/ TheDeatons***

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Re: No symptoms?

  • as weird as this sounds sympotoms come and go. Im over 11 wks and this has been happeneing to me the whole time hope this eases ur fears a li

  • Thank you for posting this b/c I am having the exact same thing!
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  • I dont have any either.  I get a little tired in the middle of the day but that is all.  No morning sickness, no sore breasts.  No nausa.  Nothing.
  • I'm 4 weeks and 4 days and my only symptom is having a runny nose. I kinda feel out of it but maybe thats just in my head. Don't worry though!! As i keep hearing every pregnancy is different so just try to relax. (I know its easier said then done).
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  • i had absolutely ZERO symptoms until i was about 8 weeks. Even after that, i had no morning sickness or anything, the only thing i felt was tired, and smells bothered me. I didnt have sore boobs until week 15. Its different for everyone. 4 weeks is really early and although some women feel symptoms that soon, its also normal to not feel anything at all.
  • I am almost out of the first trimester - 11 weeks 1 day today - and let me tell you, I have had NOTHING.  Maybe a little moody if I dont eat - my breasts are a little bit sore and maybe grew a tad, but my bras still mostly fit.  I also still fit into all of my clothes, I never got nausea once, it has been the easiest pregnancy!  Lucky for me, my doctor has given me two ultrasounds - one at 7 and one at 10 weeks so I know for sure there is a tiny life forming inside me!  I also go next week to hear the heartbeat and the week after for my nuchal so the multiple appointments keep me sane - otherwise I would not think I was pregnant at all.  All I can say is that it is NOTHING to worry about, and you should feel lucky that you are not sick all the time.  Hope that helps!
  • Thanks ladies! It would be a dream come true if this really is a completely opposite pregnancy from my first.  I'll just have to wait and see what the next few weeks bring.

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    ***Nestie Bestie w/ TheDeatons***

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  • Thanks for posting this! I am 7 weeks and I have not had any symptoms since about week 5. I did have cramping and sore boobs but everything has gone away even the bloat. I am so nervous! We have our first u/s next week and I hope everything is okay.
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  • Have no fear!  I am in the same boat.  I was worried and posted the same thing a while back.  I went to the dr. yesterday and I am 6w3d and still don't have 1 symptom.  No sore boobs, I was bloated for a minute, just recently started getting tired and luckily I have had no sickness.  From what I hear, ENJOY BEING A LUCKY LADY!!!  You have nothing to worry about.  Big Smile
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  • So glad to read this - going through the same thing. Had so many symptoms with my first, but barely anything with this one! I don't see a Dr for 2 more weeks, so I'm stressing a bit.
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