I am 4 wks 5 days w/ my 2nd and have NO symptoms. I'm starting to get nervous. I was bloated on Friday but haven't been since. Boobs feel 100% normal, everything does really.
I am starting to get nervous. I know for sure I was getting sick w/ DS by now (I was really sick w/ him until 5 months) and was kind of bloated.
Is this normal at this stage? Am I freaking out about nothing? I am trying to get by each day by telling myself that if I don't have anything by 7 weeks, I'll ask my Dr. for an u/s. Right now my first appointment is set at 11 weeks. I'd hate to think I made it 11 weeks when in reality I lost the baby earlier than that.
Re: No symptoms?
as weird as this sounds sympotoms come and go. Im over 11 wks and this has been happeneing to me the whole time hope this eases ur fears a li
Thanks ladies! It would be a dream come true if this really is a completely opposite pregnancy from my first. I'll just have to wait and see what the next few weeks bring.
***Nestie Bestie w/ TheDeatons***