January 2012 Moms

Litter Boxes...ugh!

Ick! I went out of town for a weekend to be in a wedding, when I left my husband said that he was going to clean out the litter boxes for me. (I haven't cleaned them since finding out I was pregnant due to the risks) Now I'm back and he hadn't cleaned them out, so I asked him to last night. Still not done and I'm almost getting sick every time I walk past...I'm so tempted to change them with a mask or something but I know he'll get mad if I do. Curse this blasted super nose!!

Re: Litter Boxes...ugh!

  • When I was pregnant with ds, I had to change the litter box with a mask because dh works out of town so much.   My cats were indoor only so that lowers the risks to begin with, we no longer have cats because ds is allergic to animals.  Sad 


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  • I have had indoor, and indoor/outdoor cats for my whole life so i'm sure i've been exposed to toxoplasmosis at some point. (P.S. You can also get it from fruits and vegetables....)  I change the litter box myself and don't wear a mask or gloves, I just wash my hands really well afterward.
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  • I'll probably go ahead and change them then..we have 3 indoor only cats. I didn't know that much about it and I'm admittedly a very paranoid pregnant woman as this is my first and I honestly dont' know very much about anything pregnancy related..this is why I love the bump!

  • mjay79mjay79 member
    On baby #3 and my first 2 ok so far. lol Hubby says he'll do it, but is a little slow on the upkeep and my nose can't take the smell even after one day. make sure to wash your hands well afterwards.
  • OatoaOatoa member

    I have had indoor, and indoor/outdoor cats for my whole life so i'm sure i've been exposed to toxoplasmosis at some point. (P.S. You can also get it from fruits and vegetables....)  I change the litter box myself and don't wear a mask or gloves, I just wash my hands really well afterward.

    This.  My DH hates my cats with a passion and will not change the litter box.  He wanted to use my pregnancy as an excuse to get rid of them.  Its our hot button.  Instead I did research and found out the same info m.mkee said.  As a cat owner all of my life I have most likely been exposed to it at some point.  I also wear gloves and a mask just in case.

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  • If your cats are indoor, you're probably pretty safe.  Granted, I'm taking my DH up on his willingness to do it for me...not gonna lie...but if I had to, I wouldn't be too worried.
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  • I still clean ours but I wear gloves and wash my hands really well afterwards.
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