Just barely not. DH and I started dating at the very end of my senior year and I graduated before we actually had sex, although he was still in HS when we did (he's a year younger). I never thought we'd last through college because nobody I know married their HS sweetheart but somehow we did lol!
I had my oldest at 17 so yeah...I married him though. I can count how many people I have been with on less than one hand. I missed out on some fun lol.
Re: Clicky teen sex poll---
I said no.
I turned whoreish in my 20s
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Come sit by me MB.
Mum to Owen and Lucas >
I was a legend of sorts on a particular frat hall.
***I suppose I should be ashamed***
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.