Progesterone/Prometrium? My dr gave me a script for it yesterday after my u/s. The baby's heartbeat was 92 and she wants it over 100. She said that would help and I go in next Monday for another u/s.
I was reading a little on it today and am concerned. Has anyone else taken this medication while pregnant?
Re: Anyone else's dr put them on...
I'm taking Prometrium 400 mg a day until about 10 or 11 weeks. But, I've also had 2 losses, low progesterone issues and a luteal phase defect. I've never heard of using it for the reason your doctor gave you. Hopefully someone else here can help with that. The side effects aren't great (mostly just make me very tired and moody) but if I take the pills at night it's not so bad.
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Yes, I am on the suppositories 2x/day, because I have history of luteal phase defect, and because my progesterone dropped from 39 to 21 in 2 days. My progesterone is being checked weekly, I don't know how long I will have to stay on prometrium.
I haven't heard of it being used for low heartbeat though. Do you know how far along you were when the hb was checked? With my DS, his hb was only 97 when we had the first u/s, but this was at 6w2d and the heart was just starting to beat, and it takes a few days to get up to the full speed. It became normal quickly.
I don't think there's any harm in you taking the prometrium, but the reason behind it is unusual. Maybe talk to your dr some more about it or see if you can get the hb rechecked first.
Edit: I just reread the OP. If I were you, I would go on the meds and then if the hb is normal next week then see if you can go off.