I just scheduled my first OB appt for 6/27. I am only about 4.5 weeks right now. I already had blood drawn and a pregnancy test at the doctors. Will they try an ultrasound at the next appt or is it too early? I think I'll be about 6 weeks at the next appt. Thanks!
Re: When is 1st ultrasound?
It varies by doctor. I switched OBs halfway through my last pregnancy so I'm curious to see how my current OB does this early one.
I got an 8 week u/s with my old doctor.
I wish I could go in that early!! Military makes you wait forever!
BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014
Thanks for the information! I just called my OB and they may do one the week of my appt, so I'd be in my 7th week. I know that this may sound weird but i feel like I need to see the baby and the heartbeat to know it's real! I have been having some mild symptoms and positive pregnancy tests, but its my first and I'm super nervous. My husband and I have only been trying for 1 month!
My first u/s with DS was around 8w, and they did it from the outside. I've never once had to have a tv u/s.