1st Trimester

When is 1st ultrasound?

I just scheduled my first OB appt for 6/27.  I am only about 4.5 weeks right now.  I already had blood drawn and a pregnancy test at the doctors.  Will they try an ultrasound at the next appt or is it too early?  I think I'll be about 6 weeks at the next appt.  Thanks!

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Re: When is 1st ultrasound?

  • My first u/s is scheduled for 6/28.
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  • My first ultrasound with my first pregnancy was at 8 weeks, and it will be again with this one. 
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  • It varies by OB's office. Mine will typically only do one around 20w for the anatomic scan. I will have one next week, because i requested a dating u/s.
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  • It varies by doctor. I switched OBs halfway through my last pregnancy so I'm curious to see how my current OB does this early one.

    I got an 8 week u/s with my old doctor.

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  • I wish I could go in that early!! Military makes you wait forever!



    BabyFetus Ticker

    BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014









  • Mine is 7/1 so I will be 7 1/2 weeks I think - I didn't want to go in during week 5 or 6 at all (wasn't an option anyway) because I didn't want to not see a heartbeat.  If there isn't a heartbeat at this one, I will know it isn't viable b/c I know when I ovulated b/c I used OPKs and know my dating, etc. 
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  • I have been to the doctor's at 6 weeks for blood work, family history and exam. My first u/s is scheduled for 8 weeks which is next Tuesday. I am really excited/nervous. I have not had any symptoms at all so I am hoping that everything turns out all right at the u/s.
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  • Around 8 weeks just keep in mind that they will use the WAND. I thought they did the Ultra sound on my belly nope i was kinda freaked out a lil at frist. It all worked out.
  • Thanks for the information!  I just called my OB and they may do one the week of my appt, so I'd be in my 7th week.  I know that this may sound weird but i feel like I need to see the baby and the heartbeat to know it's real!  I have been having some mild symptoms and positive pregnancy tests, but its my first and I'm super nervous.   My husband and I have only been trying for 1 month! 


    IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Good luck!  We are just about the same time along!  Let me know how it goes!  I have my appt 6/27 and may have my ultrasound 6/28 as well!
    IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Awww Karma7997 you and me both hubby and I felt the same way I was so scared that when she went in there to look for baby it would not be in there you know , like I was not pregnant. It took her some time but she found the baby and its lil heart beating away. I know how you feel we felt the same way after that we could breathe and smile... Congrats enjoy this moment its amazing we recorded the heart beat on our cell phone and my hubby listens to it everyday. :)
  • imagemissv2828:
    Around 8 weeks just keep in mind that they will use the WAND. I thought they did the Ultra sound on my belly nope i was kinda freaked out a lil at frist. It all worked out.

    My first u/s with DS was around 8w, and they did it from the outside. I've never once had to have a tv u/s.

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  • wow luck you missy i wish they did that to me they refuse to do my tummy:)
  • 7.5 weeks with DS and the used the wand. Scheduled for 10 weeks with this one, wondering if I'll be able to avoid the wand this time.
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