I am 8 weeks pregnant, when will my body start to change? It feels like my pants are getting tighter but I'm not gaining any weight... what can I expect as far as changes to my body in the next few weeks?
I can tell you about my experience but remember that all pregnancies are different. I had a pretty nice size bump of bloat at 9-10 weeks. My breast were much bigger and sore. My back was hurting and light cramping in your lower belly area. what else can I tell you???... Oh slight headaches too.
Strap up because you are in for the Best trip of your life! ?
~Caleb~ If i could have a lifetime wish,
a dream that would come true,
I'd pray to God with all my heart,
for yesterday and you. D&E 8/24/2012 EDD 1/28/2013
What the previous poster said - my breasts are not so much changing in size, but they are super sore. My lower back is sore a lot, and I have mild cramping. Nausea, mostly when I let myself get too hungry, and super tired. I don't have any particular food aversions, but I can smell everything much more distinctly. It's all pretty subtle, but it's there.
I'm just starting Week #9 and am definitely starting to bloat up a little bit. I don't have a baby bump, per se, but I just look puffy and my pants/skirts are getting WAYYYY snug around the middle. I just went and bought a belly band today.
My boobs are quite as sore as they have been. And while I've had twinges of a headache, nothing substantial.
I'm just starting Week #9 and am definitely starting to bloat up a little bit. I don't have a baby bump, per se, but I just look puffy and my pants/skirts are getting WAYYYY snug around the middle. I just went and bought a belly band today.
My boobs are quite as sore as they have been. And while I've had twinges of a headache, nothing substantial.
This is me exactly! My stomach is sooo bloated. I just feel puffy everywhere.
Chemical Pregnancy 2001, Married 8/8/09, TTC April 2011, BFP 5/8/11, Missed M/C @ 9wk5d, D&C 6/21/11 BFP 11/13/11 Chase Everett born at 29wks 0 days on 5/7/12 at 2 lbs 14 oz, 14 1/2 inches long.
Re: Body Changes
Hey Alicia,
I can tell you about my experience but remember that all pregnancies are different. I had a pretty nice size bump of bloat at 9-10 weeks. My breast were much bigger and sore. My back was hurting and light cramping in your lower belly area. what else can I tell you???... Oh slight headaches too.
Strap up because you are in for the Best trip of your life! ?
I'm just starting Week #9 and am definitely starting to bloat up a little bit. I don't have a baby bump, per se, but I just look puffy and my pants/skirts are getting WAYYYY snug around the middle. I just went and bought a belly band today.
My boobs are quite as sore as they have been. And while I've had twinges of a headache, nothing substantial.
This is me exactly! My stomach is sooo bloated. I just feel puffy everywhere.