sorry if this question is asked a lot, i looked through some posts and havent found it, so i figured maybe i was safe to ask it!
after getting blood work testing done, did it take a while for your doctor to call you with results? mine told me they wouldnt call if everything was fine, but im not sure how long it takes to get results..
i just want to make sure i DONT have high numbers for GB and im stressing out waiting! they took blood last wed morning and i havent heard anything back yet. hoping im fine, and wont hear anything until my next appt.
just wondering how long it took for everyone else to hear from their doctors regarding blood work.. 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks?? thanks girls!
Re: bloodwork results
I was able to get blood results the next day both times they tested. I tend to worry a lot, and they said it was okay to call the next day for results. I am sure your doctor wouldn't mind if you wanted to call and just confirm your results.
I'm in Ontario so things might be different here but the lab told me it takes 1 - 2 business days for the results to come through. That being said it took my Dr. a week to get back to me to let me know that I had low iron/low b12/high thyroid.
In my past experiences with things being really really wrong (I had cancer) they will call you SO fast and you will be in the next day. So I would say if you haven't heard anything after a few days then your probably ok, or at least nothing majorly serious.