1st Trimester

Not sure what to think...

This is pregnancy #2 for me and its not really going very smoothly so far. I feel very discouraged right now and I'm not sure what to think. Last weekend I went into urgent care with sharp stabbing pains in my pelvis... they said it was nothing and sent me home. Four days later I had heavy bleeding after intercourse had an emergency OB appt wed and they told me I am measuring a week behind but that they wouldn't really know anything for a few more weeks when I come in for my next u/s to see if the baby has progressed at all (they would not check my beta levels). Then the last 24 hours I have had spotting and cramping. I went into the the Emergency Room today and I am still measuring about a week behind but my betas are really low only 2432. Now I have to wait 3 more days to recheck my Hcg levels. Trying my hardest to stay positive.
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BFP#1 on 02/14/09 BIRTH to Mason 6lb9oz on 10/12/09

BFP#2 on 5/28/11 EDD 2/1/12 Natural M/C on 6/13/11

BFP#3 on 1/20/12 EDD 9/30/12 Natural m/c on 1/27/12

BFP#4 on 4/23/12 BIRTH to Isabella 7lb1oz on 12/19/12

Re: Not sure what to think...

  • so sorry that this is happening to you hope everything turns out really well GL


    *BFP m/c  *BFP b/g twins *S/B 20w  *BFP DS A  1-12-12  *BFP m/c  *BFP m/c  *BFP *It's a boy again* EDD 2-5-14

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  • Just want you to know my T&P are with you! I hope everything turns out okay *hugs*

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    BFP#1-02/21/11 Missed M/C Twins-03/25/11 EDD-11/04/11
    BFP#2-10dpo- 05/27/11 EDD 02/03/12
    Our miracle Aidan James born 01/25/12!!
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  • Thinking of you! Sorry it can't be more. :(
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  • T & Ps that everything is ok.  ((hugs))
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC since 3-2008: v/c repair 2009; BFP: 7-2010, m/c 8-2010, c/p 4-2011, BFP: 6-2011 EDD: 2-12-2012?
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    Today I am pregnant & I love my baby!
  • i hope everything is okay!  (( hugs))
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