The article made me sad, and it makes you really think. I know others have said they cried while reading it, but I think there is something we can all learn from it.
It does have a happy ending.
My favourite quote is by her husband at the end 'There's a laundry list of things no one ever tells you when you have children. One of them is that your child will teach you how to be the parent they need ? if you're willing to listen.'
Re: Article I saw on another board 'Why Don't I like My Own Child?'
Wow that article was intense. I'm glad one of the mother's friends finally helped her to better understand her role as a mother.
And while I can imagine a relationship as extreme as this one, my older DD and I definitely bump heads often. I'm an extrovert, she has always been an extreme introvert. She has become a lot more outgoing after seeing the attention little sister received. But, then I remember all her neat points, she's super smart, like a sponge-soaks up everything she sees or hears. I'm glad it's never got to the point that the mother in this article reached.
Thanks for sharing.
I actually think it's very important that articles like that are written. Everything, society and instinct alike, tells us that we must cherish our children above all else. When for some reason we don't, whether it be a depression issue or otherwise, it used to be hidden away. No one ever discussed it, so if it happened to someone, they had no idea what to do. People coming forward and being honest about their feelings will hopefully help other parents experiencing the same things to get help sooner, rather than prolonging the damage to both parent and child.
The only part that really made me sad was where the author expressed annoyance at her daughter asking silly questions ("What if day were night, and night were day? What if it snowed in summer? What if our last name was Nebraska?") I think all kids should ask those sorts of things.
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