1st Trimester

Anyone else overparanoid?

I only tested + yesterday, but it seems since then I have had continual cramping... not cramping like painful, just more of like a dull aching feeling. Im really nervous, and super paranoid now. I just have read TOO much about what can go wrong, and I know I need to just relax and realize that its out of my control now.

How is everyone else staying calm and handling these changing scary feelings/emotions?

Re: Anyone else overparanoid?

  • Cramping is normal! I was super paranoid about every pain, tingle, etc. But the dr reassured me that my body was going through a lot of changes and uterine walls were stretching and it causes cramping for them to grow and stretch. Now did that make me feel 100%, NO, but it made me a little more at ease. Good luck and just drink a lot of water!
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • First of all CONGRATS MOMMY!  I unfortunatly am the same exact way.  You are absolutly fine.  Cramping is normal andalso "mental cramping" is normal.  I bet it hasent set in yet right? Almost dosent feel real.  Its normal its okay.  Is this your first? If it is its mine too.  Unfortunatly Ive been on pain medications since february by my pain managment dr for a severe nerve damage so its been extra bad on this end thinking that any withdrawl symptoms would hur my baby.  I just found out that im healthy and im okay to stop my meds.  So thats a huge weight lifted.  But try and think about whats making you nervous and try and get answers. (and dont get answers googling bc i got nothing but horror stories) If u need anything let me know add me as a friend.  You are gonna be great and everything is gonna be good.  When is your first sono?

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  • I was having some cramps yesterday, but (tmi warning) I'm pretty sure it was just gas pains. From what I've read, cramps are very normal during early pregnancy, and I think as long as it is not accompanied by heavy bleeding you should be fine.

    I know it is hard not to worry, but we have a long 9 months ahead of us, and we just have to learn to trust our bodies. I've just been praying anytime that I feel nervous, and every time I have a negative thought, I replace it with something positive and try to focus on that instead. I also think that posting on this board, and talking with other women will really help ease your worry.

    Good luck and I hope that your cramps will stop and that you can enjoy your pregnancy without worry.

    BFP #1: 06/10/11-Due 02/16/12-M/C 06/13/11 at 4 weeks BFP #2: 09/28/11-Due 06/10/12-M/C discovered at 10 week ultrasound on 11/14/11 BFP #3: 01/7/12-Due September 21-Praying for Baby Hope! BabyFetus Ticker
  • I was a little freaked out, but apparently its normal and the baby is digging in to make a home.  week 3 and 4 hurt the worst, backside of week 5 it comes and goes every few days.  Just look for blood....if there is lots, call the doctor...if a little its normal.
  • Absolutely!! LOL. I have had 2 faint postive test over the past week and plan to take another tomorrow and hope it is a bigger and brighter BFP! So first off, congrats on your BFP. I have been having the cramping too for a few days and it makes me a nervous wreck! Like all the PP, I think the dull cramping is the ligaments stretching to get ready for baby!
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  • Count me in on the paranoid train. I just got my BFP this morning, and I'm already super aware of every little twinge. I just keep remembering that billions of women have done this before me, and I can only control what I can control. 

    Congrats and a H&H 9 months to you! 

    "Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."
    BabyFruit Ticker}
    BFP #1: 6/10/11 Natural m/c 6/20/11
    BFP #2: 8/30/11 Vanishing Twin diagnosed at 8 weeks, DS born 5/6/12 
    BFP #3: 5/24/14 stick, baby, stick! Beta 1 (16dpo): 645, Beta 2 (18dpo): 1652
    Heartbeat 179 at 8w5d grow, baby, grow!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I have been cramping for a week.  Today was the worst day so far, but I just got my BFP yesterday so some of it might be psychosomatic?  From everything that I've read the cramping is totally normal :)  Congrats!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagestarrynight1658:

    Count me in on the paranoid train. I just got my BFP this morning, and I'm already super aware of every little twinge. I just keep remembering that billions of women have done this before me, and I can only control what I can control. 

    Congrats and a H&H 9 months to you! 

    That's how I got through my first pregnancy, thinking that we have billions of people on this world because of women being pregnant! It puts a lot in perspective :) This time I think I'll be able to chill more and know that everything will happen no matter if I worry or not. Congrats!!!!!!

    Photobucket Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Once you know you are pregnant, expecially after a loss . . . or with information overload.  Which brings up a good point.  DON'T GOOGLE!!!!  You'll drive yourself mad and will worry 100X more than what is needed!  I can't state that enough!!  DON"T GOOGLE!  I'll be the 1st to admit I'm guilty but I've not got control over it!

    I had lots of cramping around weeks 6 and 7, and it is very normal and I even had some brown spotting (which totally freaked me out) and so far everything has been great at every appointment!  It's hard not to freak out!  You notice every tiny little ache/pain/twinge and your mind is pre-set to already think the worste case scenerio. 

    As far as handling it The Bump has been a life savor because just when I think something is wrong I realize that 100's of other women are going through the same exact feelings and that it's normal.  I still worry regardless!  It gets a teeny tiny easier as you get farther along.  Once I made it to week 9 for some reason I felt like I could breathe a little easier but I still have my moments!

    I just try to tell myself to enjoy it because as you said it is out of our control and worrying isn't going to chance anything! 

    Just try to stay positive!

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  • I am COMPLETELY paranoid as well.  In the last couple of years, I've had several people close to me who've had mc's, so I am extremely scared.  I am SOOOOO happy, but I'm scared to be too happy until we go to our first dr. apt and find out that everything is ok.  I will say that reading everyone's comments on this board has really helped.  I have had some minor cramping, and it does scare me, but every time I think something is wrong, as silly as it is, I just tell myself that I love this baby already.  I am also not super religious, but whenever I'm nervous, I thank god for this gift and I tell the baby to stay.  Again, I'm sure some of this is stupid, but it does help me to feel a little better.  Good luck!!! 
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