1st Trimester

Extreme Morning/all day sickness

I'm 6 1/2 weeks along. Been sooo sick, I vomit all day non stop after a while it turns into just stomach acid..SICK!! It hurts and I can't look at any food w/out vomiting or getting nausea's. I tried a B6 and unisom it didnt really do anything, I want something that will fix it not just put me to sleep so I dont get uncomfy. I tried phenergen that was awful, yesterday I got one Zofran and so far it's helped I've only vomited once and it's 11:30, I still feel like crap though..HELP!!! 

Re: Extreme Morning/all day sickness

  • Um...I hate to be the one to say it, but sometimes MS is just something you have to suffer through and deal with. Take heart in knowing you are not the only one. Hope you feel better soon!
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  • I was just researching a bit of m/s stuff. I'm going to try acupuncture and I also hear eatng 80-100grams per day of protein can help
    Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
    Identical twin girls expected in March! 
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  • Im still sick and im 14 weeks now. I know how you feel with no food apealing to you and not wanting to eat without getting sick, even soda crackers came up!! .... but honestly... If you miss a meal or stop eating/drinking.. you WILL feel 100 million times worse, so force yourself to eat and dont worry about nutrition... just anything you can keep down for as long as you can. For me it was eggos and toast and I lived on that for a good 4 weeks, even that came up but it worked the best. I started on diclectin, a medication for nausea and vomitting during pregnancy at week 10. It honestly saved my life but took a while to figure out the best time to take it as the side effects are bothersome and when it would wear off.. it would WEAR off and I would be back barfing. I take it three times a day now and its the only thing that helps me function. Every once in a while I still vomit but its usually because i missed a meal or took my prenatal vitamins on a empty stomache. I hope you feel better.. try not to get dehydrated, fainting isnt fun!
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  • Also.. the more you take the medication, the more you get used to it and the side effects decrease. Diclectin would make me SOOO extremely drowsy, i found if i took it at 7 pm every night, i would sleep off the side effects and then be good for the majority of the day.
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  • I was on phenergan for several months with my first, and I loved it. I didn't get sick, and I wasn't nauseated. Zofran helped me keep food down, but I still felt just awful.  Don't listen to people who say, "Oh, you just need to suffer through it." If it keeps going on and you can't keep anything down at all, that's not good. Obviously your doctor or someone is aware of what's happening since you've been taking medications, but don't hesitate to call them back if it doesn't help.
  • Sorry you are so sick . . . and I do know how awful it can be!  Although mine has  gotten a bit better.  I went from all day sickness to now only when I first get up but once I eat I am fine ( I have to force myself to eat ) and then it hits again about 5 o-clock and throughout the evening!  Fruit has seemed to help a lot!!

    I know it's really hard to eat expecially when NOTHING sounds good but try to force yourself to eat something.  I eat dry cheerios sometimes in the am because I can't stomach crackers anymore (and cheerios have folic acid in them too)!!  A lot of times the reasoning behind being sick is that your stomach is empty and it's the acids that cause you to throw up.  I know it's hard.  I've seen the inside of our toilet more than I've ever in my life thought I would but it's all worth it!

    I too take Zofran but I don't take it every day.  I never take it on the weekends unless I'm really sick or knowing we are going out somewhere and not feeling too hot.  It helps some but I still dry heave and am nauseated sometimes even after taking it!  I'm sure if it wasn't for the drug though my food at times wouldn't be staying down.

    Just becareful with how much you are vomiting.  You don't want to get dehydrated and if you continue to vomit repeatedly and have spells of diarrhea (another sign of dehydration) you may want to call your doctor right away or go to the ER.  Not to scare you but you just don't want to get dehydrated!!  Maybe buy some gatorade too!

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  • Thanks so much for your thoughts, so many people have been telling me "you can do it" or "that's just pregnancy" I feel like nobodys willing to help me and even though it may be common this is my first pregnancy and I get worried when I'm living in the bathrooom all day.

    Thanks again!

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