I'm interested too! I googled and got the impression that it is safe for some/ moderate topical use but no good research has been cited to determine the actual effects on a developing fetus. Never injest tea tree oil (when pregnant? I'd never thought to eat it- but wouldn't be opposed). HTH!
TTC since 3-2008: v/c repair 2009; BFP: 7-2010, m/c 8-2010, c/p 4-2011, BFP: 6-2011 EDD: 2-12-2012? "Lovebugs2012"
Today I am pregnant & I love my baby!
You know, I was wondering the same thing b/c I dabbed some on a breakout I had in the past couple of days (which it did dry out). But then when I looked up if its safe I have found different opinions. Some people say avoid it...some say OK. So I don't know...I'm going to wait and see what the Dr. says.
Re: is tea tree oil ok?
TTC since 3-2008: v/c repair 2009; BFP: 7-2010, m/c 8-2010, c/p 4-2011, BFP: 6-2011 EDD: 2-12-2012?
Today I am pregnant & I love my baby!