So I think I posted on here before about thinking I was pregnant again after just having my baby boy who is 3 months old. Today I am noticing I can smell about everything. Am I losing my mind? This is really the only "symptom" I am feeling besides being extra tired (but then again- my son wakes every 2 hours at night).
Re: Uh Oh......
yes. no, maybe. have you poas?
No, not yet. I wouldn't / shouldn't be more than 2 weeks if I am... what is the quickest pt for results?
Wait 2 weeks pregnant or 2 weeks since ovulation?
If your feeling symptoms you have enough HCG in your body to register on a HPT.
Yes after pregnancy and birth you can still have HGC in your system.
But if your son is 3 months old.. you should have gotten a period by now. I would take a test and than if it comes out positive call a doctor for a blood test to track your Beta.
not true.. reguards to pregnant enough for that 2nd line.. i was having symptoms for 3 weeks before i got a bfp on a hpt.
and.. she doesnt have to have had a period by now at only 3 months.. if she is bf, then she could not get it for a year even.
keep an eye on your body.. take an hpt, go to doc and have blood done.
I would go to a doctor and/or poas. The one day of mild bleeding could have been implantation bleeding, also could be nothing but its worth finding out.
Also with regards to not getting a period in 3 months, I agree with the pp who said it can take a lot longer if bfing. In fact I had a friend who breast fed her son for over 2 years and never got a period until she weaned him.
DD is almost 10 months old and I still have not had AF.
I've thought I was pregnant several times, but nope! Even after the sore boobs, headaches, dizziness, incredible sense of smell, nausea... My body/mind was playing tricks on me. POAS is the only way to know for sure. My vote is not pregnant though.