Cloth Diapering

recomendations needed for AIO

My baby girl is six months old and I'm going back to work.  Grandma with arthritic hands is going to be keeping baby.  She's open to cloth diapers, but does not get how pre-folds and covers work, which is my main diaper stash.  I have one bumgenius and one grovia already.  We LOVE the grovia because it is so trim-fitting and because the cloth part is 100% cotton.  Anyway, long story short, I'm looking to expand my AIO collection, but I would really like some that velcro, not snap, to make it easier on Grandma.  Any suggestions?

Re: recomendations needed for AIO

  • I have a similar issue in that I can only send velcro dipes to daycare. Try Tots Bots Easy Fit. They're kind of midway between a pocket and an AIO and have great velcro. I also like Thirsties Duo Diapers (pocket not an AIO), especially because the inserts agitate out in the wash. I haven't tried Happy Heinys or Kawaiis yet (both pockets), but those are also potential options.
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