Hello! I'm 24 and found out a week ago that I'm probably around 6 weeks pregnant. My husband and I are thrilled, and super worried. Last year, after 2 years of trying, at this time I got pregnant and miscarried- I'm not too sure how far I was along. I recently discovered that I have celiac disease (which causes infertility problems and miscarriages), and once I went gluten free, I became pregnant almost immediately. This pregnancy feels stronger than the last. My nerves have been going into overdrive, however. Also, before I knew I was pregnant, I had been really sick for about 2 weeks and was taking DayQuil multiple times a day and NyQuil at night...I know these are both not acceptable to take. I couldn't have been more than 3-4 weeks pregnant, but I'm worried sick about it. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I have my first Dr.'s appointment next Thursday, and I'm going to mention it then. Also, what should I expect on my first appointment? I'd love to hear from anyone!
Re: Roughly 5-6 weeks pregnant and I have some concerns!
I'm sure the meds are okay- just talk to your doctor about it. Many women do less than desirable things before they find out they're pregnant and the babies turn out okay.
I'm sorry for your loss. I've had two and highly suspect them both related to Celiac/Gluten intolerance. I'm self-diagnosed now and been on the diet for about four months. If you ever need to swap recipes or product ideas, let me know
It's very challenging and frustrating to think that my losses could have been prevented because of the food I was eating.
I'm not sure about your first apt. Probably blood tests, weigh check, maybe an exam? GL to you
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
First, congratulations!!!
DH and I went to a couple parties a few weekends in a row (which we never do) and I drank one too many drinks. I found out a couple days after. Guilty about it, but DD turned out fine.
Thank you! I'm self-diagnosed too. I was amazed that all these seemingly unrelated symptoms added up. It's definitely hard, and even harder now that I'm being SUPER careful because I'm fearing a miscarriage.
Going gluten-free has momentarily killed my love of cooking, but I CAN tell you that Schar pasta tastes JUST like regular!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope this time you have a H&H 9 months!
With my DD, I was taking Doxycycline for about a week before I knew I was pg, and DD is just fine. Try to relax. You have a few days before the egg/zygote even implants. Then, you have another few weeks before you begin to share blood so you really should be fine. Just mention it to your OB but s/he will probably tell you you're fine.
If everything women did during the 2ww affected babies, our world wouldn't have nearly the amount of normally functioning people that it does. Heck, some women don't know the entire 9 months and their babies turn out just fine also. and I'mnot recommending that women do whatever they want for 9 months. Just pointing out that taking meds and other stuff carry RISKS that something could happen; not guarantees or certainties.
Oh, and Congratulations!
1st Sorry for your loss, pregnancy after a loss is difficult expecially during the 1st trimester (which I am still in yet)!
I know it's not easy to do and as I say this I too still worry but try to relax! Don't worry too much about the meds.
I had a m/c back in January and told we could start trying after 1st cycle. 1st cycle never showed on it's own so I took Provera (had a normal period) and 2nd cycle never showed so I again took Provera (had labs done before starting Provera and showed no pregnancy) period never came though. Then that same week I became very sick, passed out at work, had the flu and severe respiratory infection and was put on steroids and antibiotics and couldn't work for a week. 2 weeks later I found out I was pregnant! I was really scared because NOT only for the Provera but as well as the steriods but so far things are going okay and we have a strong heartbeat and a very active little one!! Our doctor wasn't concerned with the meds because it was so so early in the pregnancy yet.
As far as what to expect depending on the doctor and whether or not they do betas my doctor did an u/s as soon as my betas were over 2500. They will probably do a transvaginal u/s because you won't be able to see anything on an abdominal u/s this early. At that point they assume that they should be able to see something on the u/s! I also with the nurse went over a huge folder of do's/don't during pregnancy, healthy eating and so on . . . things that are "normal" and what isn't.
GL to you and hope your appointment goes really well!
Sorry, guess i pushed the post button early... oops!
Ok, first, CONGRATULATIONS! Relax, take a breath and enjoy being pregnant today (and trust me, I am talking as much to myself as I am to you). It looks as though we have much in common. I was recently diagnosed with a gluten sensitvity (likely celiac's but I didn't want to go back on gluten to be "officially" diagnosed). If you want to exchange recipe's or ideas for good pregnancy cravings pm me! I've only been gluten free for around 4 months so it's all new to me but I have found some awesome recipes online. I'm 23 and about 5 weeks pregnant with a possible c/p last November (before going gf). DH and I weren't trying just yet, had planned to ttc end of Summer, early Fall, but Suprise! Anyway, Best Wishes and pm me if you want to share ideas or commiserate
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