My 1st DR appointment is tomorrow and we will be having an ultrasound to date the pregnancy. We do not want to tell our family for at least another month. DD is 7 and today was her last day of school. I have not been able to drum up a sitter, and we really don't want her to know this early. DH took the AM off to come with me of course to see the u/s. So, question is this: Have DH stay home with DD or bring DD along and spill the beans, risking her telling the rest of the family before we want them to know....
UGH! Boo for no babysitter!
I would tell her, but that's just me. We told my SDs yesterday and I'm only six weeks and some change. They are 7 and 5 years old. We also picked up the book "A Child Is Born" with the pictures from ovulation to birth and showed them what baby looks like right now. It's been very cool. I think it would be cool having both DD and DH at that very first appointment
Are your kids keeping a secret or have you shared with the rest of the family? I'm just so worried if something goes wrong... I KNOW I should be more positive. Plus, my SIL is 36 wks preggers and I was kind of hoping we could wait until she delivered to share our news.
That IS a perdicament... How ever you spell that. I can't tell my 1st born girl, 7, or my bonus boys, 6 and almost 4 for fear of it getting to the boys BM and we don't need that kind of drama right now.
I do see your point as well, maybe too early to tell and all... Maybe have them hang out in the hallway with a nurse? Maybe not... Good luck!