So I'm 9.5 weeks pregnant. My weight increase has been gradual over the last few weeks...But today at work, one of my colleagues said "You must be having twins, look at how big you are". Seriously!?! I have only gained 2.5 pounds over 9 weeks and I am still within my BMI range. Has anyone else encountered an awkward situation whether it was about your weight or what you are eating or how to parent your future baby? If so, what do you say in response?
Re: Classy response to class-less people?
I cant say my responses are classy, but when people are "shocked" at how big I am already (this only happens if someone sees me after I eat dinner when I bloat up) I usually tell them it's just my poop. That usually shuts them up
As far as someone telling me how to raise my future LO: no one's done this to me yet, and no one in their right mind will. I wont respond kindly to it. Something along the lines of "when push THIS baby out of your vag and spend 24-7 with it, THEN you can tell me how to raise it. Otherwise stick to your own kids and let me do my thing." comes to mine.
Sorry though. Other than smiling and ignoring ignorant comments, I dont see a "classy way" to respond to stuff like that.
Has the person who said this to you ever been pregnant? If so, maybe she's trying to make herself feel better by pretending you're bigger than she was at that stage. OR, if she's never been pregnant then it is probably just an ignorant comment and you could try to explain that it's normal to gain weight.
OR just say, "Oh, do I really look that big?" Unless she's a totaly jerk, she'll probably realize her point hasn't been well received with this statement and then shut-up.
Ugh! How rude! I know that I'm going to be dealing with this soon enough as I'm only six weeks and already my clothing is feeling tight (eek!)
Maybe say "It's only one baby, thanks for asking, what's your excuse?"
My family is a Foreign Service family. Families like mine are posted in every corner of the globe. We live our lives away from family, friends and the conviences and comforts of home. We often live and work in dangerous places among those that misunderstand our intentions and purposes. Sometimes members of our ranks sacrifice our lives to further diplomacy. Please remember that we serve too. And I'm always open to questions.
Normally I would say you should point out that the person is being rude. "Why would you tell a pregnant woman how big she is? Maybe you don't realize it, but that really is very rude." I truly believe some people just lack certain social skills that would otherwise make them realize that it's not something they should say. However, because it's a colleague and I don't know what you're job environment is like, it may just be best to bite your tongue and let it go.