Is it safe? I forgot to ask my doctor at the first appointment but will ask her next Wednesday. A friend of mine would not drink it when she was pregnant because of the herbs that are in it but she didn't have any clear reason why it wasn't okay.
Any of you chai tea drinkers have thoughts/opinions or have any of you asked your doctors?
Re: Decaffeinated Chai Tea
Oh I LOVE Chai Tea... I would like to know the answer to that as well!
Sorry... I know that doesn't help you lol!
Yay Chai Tea!
I am a decaf chai addict but I heard that the anise in it is what pg women shouldn't have, so I cut it out.
Here's the only thing I could find about anise and pg online:
Please let us know if you hear otherwise!
DD #1: 2012; MMC: 2014; DD #2: 2015; It's a boy! 3/31/2018