
Great - my boss just made me *almost* cry!

I held it back but....

I sent her an email letting her know I posted for a position at our other campus.  She immediately came to my desk and said "Let's go!" and we went for a walk.

She is disappointed that I didn't tell her BEFORE posting.  And she said "Why did you post?"  And I said, "It's just the commute.  I can't do it anymore!"  And she said, "Why didn't you tell me that?"  And I have.  I have had conversations with her about options for my work schedule.  Like working full time but 2 days from home.  Or working part time with one day from home.  Or SOMETHING!  But there was no guarantees and basically, they could "pull" the WFH days at any time.  I can't go full time and take the chance that they will do that -- and then have to commute to here FIVE days a week instead of four.


She said "Why didn't you tell me that if you didn't get some kind of compromise that you were going to post?"  I said, "That's not my style!  I would feel as though I was backing you against a wall and I felt that the conversations that I WAS having with you would give you the indication that I needed something to change (in regards to my commute)."  She said, "I'm not a mind reader!"  Harumph --- I thought I was being clear enough.

Anyway --- she is like "I have a headache!  I'm stressed!"  I said "Don't stress!  Ugh, I hate that this upset you!"

Damn it!  Why do I care SO MUCH about other people?!?!  ;(

Re: Great - my boss just made me *almost* cry!

  • wow...I think she's being unprofessional and a baby.  You did the right thing and don't let her attitude make you feel different!  Your boss should be supporting you, not making you feel like crap.  She's lame.
  • So is she going to do anything to keep you and make your commute work?  If not then I say you did the right thing.
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  • My thoughts: She didn't give a DAMN about you & your situation...until it was clear that it might affect HER.  Try to stop worrying about her & focus on you guys.  You did this with your best interest at heart, just remember that.
  • I was having a shitty day to begin with and I'm on the verge of tears again!  :(

    I don't know if she is going to offer me something to make me stay --- but I'm guessing, with the way things work around here, she will wait until I get called for an interview and get offered a position.  If neither of those things happen, she doesn't have to worry.  For now anyway! 

  • is she going  to do anything now?
  • why are you having a poop day....your ticker is one day closer???

    :(  the day is nearly over and then you get a 3 day weekend! 

  • ditto DandR and ETBM

    You did give her a chance and you act professionally. She is not. She had the chance to act on it but she chose to blow it off. Besides, there's nothing saying that you are going to get the position, or even accept the position, so in a way she's freaking out over nothing (yet). 

  • never mind, I just saw your response. I am with Excited on this...


  • Renee -- I'm just not allowed to have two good days in a row!  (one of my sick OCD things)

    At any rate, I am wearing an outfit that makes me feel like a sausage.  I put on a brand new pair of shoes this morning --- and they already are getting smelly from my sweaty bare feet.  My acne --- which was looking better yesterday is RAGING today!

    And I got here at 9:02 this morning (supposed to be here by 9, the latest). 

    Oh, and Joe called and said 1. he can't make his dentist appt tomorrow (which is supposed to be cancelled at least 48 hours in advance) and 2. his mom can't take Cam tomorrow which means 3. I can't go sit in Joey's classroom (as planned) without 4. going to pick up Joe's gram to watch Cam OR dropping Cam off at Joe's job site.  Just more finnegaling on my part!  :(

  • You did have a conversation with her.  I don't think she had to be a mind reader to know that you wanted something to change.  No employee goes to their boss with a proposal like that without thinking very carefully about it and how it would effect their employment.  I think it's a big deal to even have that conversation, so imo she should have known you were not happy with the current situation.

    I think you were very professional to tell her about the posting right away.  That doesn't mean you have to take that other position, does it?  You could still negotiate with her and stay right where you are.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • well poop.

    1. I liked someone's suggestion in the preschool post of having a non- person go and observe...not someone from the school, but do you have someone, non related, not affiliated with the school, but knows about teaching that could go observe tomorrow (still takes finagaling on your part, but you might get more accurate results...not the teacher being super nice because you are there)

    2. 2 minutes many days did you stay past your time to go home?  Did you get in trouble for that?  I forgot what its like to work at a place that they have set "work" times.

    3. Joe should cancel his OWN dentist appointment, he's a big boy.

    4.  the acne will get better...your face is adjusting.

    5.  do somethign for yourself tonight....take a walk, whatever will make you feel better!

  • I wouldn't even know where to begin finding a professional to observe??!!  I would LOVE that though.  I am the LAST person to blame the teacher.  Seriously --- Joey is a devil.  And I know it.  But since the teacher's story has changed, and I have had to hear it through Joe and my mom (I need to ask the teacher myself tomorrow, what REALLY happened) --- and since she just seems a bit OFF to me --- I don't know.  Something doesn't sit right with me.  I know that he can be aggressive (in a good way (hugs) and a bad way (hitting)).  But a headlock!?!?  HUH!?  How does a 3.5 year old even know what a headlock is?!?  We don't watch wrestling!  ;)  If he dropped the f bomb, sure.  I get that.  I say it all the time.  But it's not like Joe and I go around putting each other in headlocks or anything.  Anyway ---

    I will cancel Joe's appointment, as to not upset him and make him do it.  I make and cancel all appointments for the family.  It's one of my "chores" that goes unnoticed!

    Now off to rack my brain on who I can send tomorrow.

    PS -- my boss left for the day!  I think I really sent her over the edge!  ;)

  • wow...must be nice to get feelings hurt and be able to just leave for the day!  She sounds like a peach!

    I would think even a friend who doesn't work one day a week could do it...not necessarily a professional. 

    I had a few concerns when Tay started school...I kid you not the first 3 days when I asked what she did she said "my job is to keep my hands behind my back."  That was ALL I could get from her and it worried the pants off me....her problem is she is very touchy/feely....loves to tickle Mitch...loves to hug Audrey....and always just wants to hang on my arm or be squished up against I'm sure it was a struggle for her to "adjust" to a school where that isn't appropriate and the teacher probably did tell her often "just keep your hands behind your back." 

    That is weird about the story changing... I'd be concerned too. 

  • and if it makes you feel any better (someone elses misery that is) I just walked down to get some water, and the heel broke off my shoe..well not completely, its hanging on barely, but if I put any weight on it it will break off, so I'll be walking on my toes the rest of the day.


  • Yea, she told Joe last week that it was a headlock.

    She told my mom yesterday that he was on top of the kid on the ground.  How do you put someone in a headlock when you are ON TOP of them?!  And don't you think that would have been a key point of the story to tell his FATHER?!

    I don't know.  Something isn't sitting well with me on it.  She did say that he did good yesterday --- so we'll see.

    I might ask my friend to go tomorrow and observe. 

  • But wait, I would have to introduce my friend to the teacher and get permission for her to be in the classroom?  And in that respect, won't the teacher be on her best behavior then??  I mean, she would act the same way in front of my friend as she would in front of me.  (or any other person that she knew was there observing on my behalf).

    More importantly, I want to observe JOEY and his behavior.  And having my friend in there might be the best way to do that!

  • Sounds like she doesn't give a fock about you personally, just herself. I almost never talk to my boss before I post, unless I want them to help me get the position (ie, put in a good word). Luckily, the department I work for is very supportive about moving up and onward. I think you are doing the right thing. She has no one to blame but herself. She obviously wasn't listening to you when you tried to tell her your issues.
  • I know you are a sensitive person and that is what makes you special, but try not to let it get to you b/c she acted inappropriately and unprofessional.  You definitely did the right thing by posting for the position considering you had already asked her about other options.  Don't let her ruin your day and good luck with the new position.

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