ANYTIME, All of a sudden sickness! I guess its true for most people when they say morning sickness hits at about 6 weeks. On day one of being 6 weeks pregnant it started for me. It last throughout the day anytime of the day. No vomiting yet but the nausea is a terrible feeling! Any of you ladies out there with me? or have anything to help?! Thanks.
Re: morning sickness, its more like....
Wish I had a magic trick to make it go away. I feel like I'm going to hurl as I type this. It's the same way I feel after a night of drinking (although those days are behind me for a while!), I just think that if I could throw up I would feel better. But no such luck
Feel better, but in the meantime, know that you have fellow sufferers
Make a pregnancy ticker
Mine started 2 days before 6 weeks and it is all day everyday. Its horrible. I can't do anything. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to see if they can prescribe me anything.
And to think, less then 2 weeks ago I was looking forward to symptoms starting. I shake my head at that girl.
water with heavy lemon juice has been a lifesaver for me in this pregnancy and the last. it makes no sense (even according to my doctor) but it works.
i threw up once with my laswt pregnancy. now i throw up at least once a day. my record so far is 7 times in one day. i keep telling this baby that she is not making a good first impression.
Lemon cough drops are great, lemon aid, ginger ail, and of course saltines.Hang in there! It feels good to know that others are going though the same thing!