1st Trimester

morning sickness, its more like....

ANYTIME, All of a sudden sickness! I guess its true for most people when they say morning sickness hits at about 6 weeks. On day one of being 6 weeks pregnant it started for me. It last throughout the day anytime of the day. No vomiting yet but the nausea is a terrible feeling! Any of you ladies out there with me? or have anything to help?! Thanks.

Re: morning sickness, its more like....

  • My morning sickness has been around since 4 weeks and I still have it now at 12. I throw up a lot. I go to culinary school right now and some of the things we cook send me running to the bathroom. Ginger Ale has been my best friend. Good Luck and I hope your m/s passes quickly.
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  • Morning sickeness started at 4 weeks for me...it started getting worse at 7 weeks. Now I am on phenergan and it has been a lifesaver!
    Chemical Pregnancy 2001, Married 8/8/09, TTC April 2011, BFP 5/8/11, Missed M/C @ 9wk5d, D&C 6/21/11 BFP 11/13/11 Chase Everett born at 29wks 0 days on 5/7/12 at 2 lbs 14 oz, 14 1/2 inches long.
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  • Mine seems to be worst in the evening!
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  • imageEngaged 74:
    ANYTIME, All of a sudden sickness! I guess its true for most people when they say morning sickness hits at about 6 weeks. On day one of being 6 weeks pregnant it started for me. It last throughout the day anytime of the day. No vomiting yet but the nausea is a terrible feeling! Any of you ladies out there with me? or have anything to help?! Thanks.



     Wish I had a magic trick to make it go away. I feel like I'm going to hurl as I type this. It's the same way I feel after a night of drinking (although those days are behind me for a while!), I just think that if I could throw up I would feel better. But no such luck :( 

     Feel better, but in the meantime, know that you have fellow sufferers :p 

  • Mine started 2 days before 6 weeks and it is all day everyday.  Its horrible.  I can't do anything.  I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to see if they can prescribe me anything.

    And to think, less then 2 weeks ago I was looking forward to symptoms starting.  I shake my head at that girl. 

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  • tko72tko72 member
    Yup, mine started at week 6, and I started vomiting at week 8. Doctor says it peaks at weeks 9-10 and should start easing up by 12 (think bell curve). The nauseating feeling is terrible, but a few guidelines I follow to curb the sickness are: NEVER go an on empty stomach, peppermint/gum/ginger candy does help keep the sickness down momentarily (but comes back again), and just eat what you crave, and never eat until you're full (frequent small meals). Oddly, I find it helps a LOT after I eat what my body craves, but the craving doesn't come all the time, so it does get hard in between. Oh, and a lifesaver for me are fruits.
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  • water with heavy lemon juice has been a lifesaver for me in this pregnancy and the last. it makes no sense (even according to my doctor) but it works. 

    i threw up once with my laswt pregnancy. now i throw up at least once a day. my record so far is 7 times in one day. i keep telling this baby that she is not making a good first impression.

    My Signature won't work! I am a proud mommy of two (1&3) and starting an adventure to help a family having a baby through surrogacy. ***My Surrogacy Blog*** http://www.themandyloo.blogspot.com
  • Lemon cough drops are great, lemon aid, ginger ail, and of course saltines.Hang in there!  It feels good to know that others are going though the same thing!


    Blog: https://charlie-the-cavalier.blogspot.com/

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