1st Trimester


The woman at the pregnancy center told me that I'm 6 weeks along because they calculate from my last cycle, but my husband and I did not get married until May 7th and were not active until then. So, I'm thinking I am only about 4 weeks. I will have an ultrasound later this afternoon. What can I expect? I was told I would be able to see the heartbeat, but seeing as I am not as far along as they think....will I?

Re: Ultrasound

  • The day you get pregnant you are already 2 weeks pregnant.  You actually start counting from the day of you last period.  So yes you are 6 weeks pg, and you should be able to see the hb on the u/s.
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  • Okay. Thank you. This is all new to me. This is my first pregnancy. So, I'm not quite sure how all of this works.
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  • I called my Dr yesterday and got an early u/s because I was freaking out about having another loss and the offce was having a slow day. My last period dates me at 7wks/3days, but I know my cycles are long and I am 100% certain we conceived on May 9th. Therefore, even though my last period says I am 7 weeks, the u/s only showed 5wks/3days. The yoke sak was perfect size (such good news because it was oversized last time when we miscarried), but we will not get to hear the HB and see the actual baby until we go back next friday at the true 7wks. Yesterday, the progress was too early to see and hear the HB. So....just in case you don't hear it quite yet, don't worry! You may just not be as far along as your chart indicated. Hope that helps!
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  • You won't be able to HEAR the heartbeat for awhile, but you will see it on the ultrasound.
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