Hi there,
I am nervous about the plane ride I am taking from St Louis to Chicago this weekend affecting the baby... I read that flying in first tri can increase the liklihood of a miscarriage and my husband and doctor said I will be fine. Should I be concerned about this or just relax and live my life? Have any of you flown during your first trimester in any previous pregnancies?
Re: Flying on small commuter plane at 10 weeks
I think that we could find an article on ANYTHING that you do increases the chances of miscarriage.
I fly every week for my job, small 5 passenger planes, medium 30 passenger planes, and helicopters. The way I see it, the small aircraft is better because there is less of an elevation change. Try not to stress about it - that is more damaging than the aircraft!
I surely hope it's okay, because I have to fly every week for my job too! I also have to fly on small commuter planes.
I'm trying not to stress about it. It's part of my job, so I have to do it anyway. I bring books, snacks, etc and just relax and nap on the flight.