1st Trimester

Flying on small commuter plane at 10 weeks

Hi there,

I am nervous about the plane ride I am taking from St Louis to Chicago this weekend affecting the baby...  I read that flying in first tri can increase the liklihood of a miscarriage and my husband and doctor said I will be fine.  Should I be concerned  about this or just relax and live my life?  Have any of you flown during your first trimester in any previous pregnancies? 

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Re: Flying on small commuter plane at 10 weeks

  • i flew from Boston to Charleston the weekend after I found out I was PG. One section of the flight was on a very small plane (I was in my own row). You'll be fine flying... I'd say any stress that you put on yourself would be worse than the flight. To calm myself down, I brought a couple of books, some music, and some yummy food. Everything was fine! :)
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  • You'll be fine.  I've flown a few times since finding out I was PG, one was just last week.  Planning to fly again for work next week.  And I'll be on small commuter planes to.  Just relax, take a snack or two and have fun!
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  • I think that we could find an article on ANYTHING that you do increases the chances of miscarriage. 

    I fly every week for my job, small 5 passenger planes, medium 30 passenger planes, and helicopters.  The way I see it, the small aircraft is better because there is less of an elevation change.  Try not to stress about it - that is more damaging than the aircraft!

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  • I surely hope it's okay, because I have to fly every week for my job too! I also have to fly on small commuter planes.

    I'm trying not to stress about it. It's part of my job, so I have to do it anyway. I bring books, snacks, etc and just relax and nap on the flight.

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  • If your doctor said it is fine, then it's fine.
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  • Thanks for all your comments.  I am feeling much better about it and I think the stress of driving for 9 hours in one weekend would be harder on the baby than a short flight.  :)
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  • I just finished 2 flights for a total of about 20 hours of travel.  I made sure to drink lots of water, breathe and try to relax.  
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  • I'm 9w and I've flown a couple times on both tiny commuter planes and smaller jets.  I haven't heard or read anything about not flying until the very end.  Not to add to your stress, but it did exagerate my m/s.  I was fine once we were up in the air, but the ascent and descent were a bit of a challenge. 
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  • I flew to Greece two days after I found out I was pregnant, and then back 2 weeks later.  Don't worry:)
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