My husband pointed out to me yesterday at the grocery store that I havent added any kind of meats to our grocery list in weeks. All I ever want to eat is pasta and fruit salad and regular salads and breads lol. I havent wanted anything with meat in it unless its at a restaurant, and even then I find myself eating the veggies more. My poor husband wants his protien haha. Just the thought of chicken makes me wanna hurl. Anyone else having this symptom? Now Im trying to google if theres an OWT about anything similar..... because I crave sweet and sour, so that one doesnt work for me!
Re: Suddenly a Veggie
I'm with you on this one. The thought of cooking chicken makes me sick!
I was the exact opposite until last week! All I wanted was meat, meat and more meat! Now I'm on to bread and fruit, specifically watermelon.
Don't worry I'm sure it will change as you progress!
I have the same issue. it started with poultry and moved on to beef and pork (yet for some reason bacon is fine). I really want sweet and sour, too! Pickles, sour candies, cranberry juice (the pure unsweetenedkind) ...and I want creamy, sweet things: ice cream, cupcakes, but I am pretty good at limiting those. I also really want healthy stuff, fresh fruits and veggies.
My personal theory on this is that its our body's way of making sure we eat more fruit and veg. We can get lots of protein from dairy, which we really need for calcium anyway, so our body hates the meat in favor of all that other stuff.
Just keep up with eating healthy things that you like, and making things with chick peas is a good way for DH to get his protein if you can't handle even being near meat. Or make him cook his own, preferably on the BBQ outside where you don't have to smell it cooking!
Good luck!
I am the same way. Even if I try to cook I enough up nauseas. I had to buy quick meals for DH and SDs. It is very strange, but the plus side is my dad's garden is making and I have lots of fresh veggies.
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Chicken used to be my fav... everytime I try to eat it i feel sick. We made some last night and I brought left overs for lunch today and I just cant gag it down. So im eating a poptart instead.
Lol! Whoops, sorry!!! Hopefully your work day goes quick and you can stop at the store for a fix on your way home
Lol! Whoops, sorry!!! Hopefully your work day goes quick and you can stop at the store for a fix on your way home
haha Im one step ahead of you.. I went to the store last night and got Watermelon, apples, orange, nectarines, strawberries, bananas, mangos and grapes to make a fruit salad tonight!
Yes! I was just in Greece, and all I wanted to eat was yogurt, fruit, taziki sauce and stuffed grape leaves. I only had one gyro!
But.... sometimes I do really want egg rolls. Delicious!