Two Under 2

Double Stroller for BIG & TALL 3yo and 1yo?

I have not used a double stroller with my two LOs yet, as my DH and I both work full time, and have managed without one so far! 

I lost my job, and will probably be home with the two kiddos this summer, and I think I need a double stroller for my sanity!  I think I'd prefer a true double stroller, rather than a sit & stand (but please convince me otherwise, if you disagree!)

My DS is very big and tall, he's 41 lbs, and about 41 inches.  I am afraid he won't fit in any of the standard double strollers.  

Also, we have a very limited budget, $200 or less.  Any advice?  Thanks! 

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Re: Double Stroller for BIG & TALL 3yo and 1yo?

  • lkf041lkf041 member
    I have very tall children as well (which is expected since I'm 6ft and DH is 6ft 3") and have a Bumbleride indie twin... it's not in your price range but honestly not too many doubles will be.  Check craigslist to see if you can get a used one or splurge... it really is a great stroller.  
    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • We have a Baby Jogger City Mini, which you might be able to find used in your price range. I LOVE the stroller. DS weighs 33lbs and DD weighs 12lbs. I'll admit though it's a great stroller it will be hard to push around when DS is as heavy as your 3yo.
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  • Baby Jogger SBS tend to have taller seat backs, so one of those might work if you can find a used one in your price range. The Valco Trimode Twin would also work I think, but it they are more expensive to begin with. Bobs and Mountain Buggies are known to have shorter seatbacks so I wouldn't bother with one of those. I'm not sure on the In-step brand, though I know it would be easy to find a used one uder your budget.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I have a bumbleride indie twin and would highly recommend it. It is not in your price range, though. I would get a nicer used one on craigslist than settle for a cheap one. 

     I have heard good things about the city mini double and have seen them pretty cheap on 

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