She strains her eyes to see up close. Apparently her sight isn't horrible...but apparently she strains/stresses her eyes, so she is getting glasses with a small prescription to give her eyes a boost to not strain as much. The eye doc said that if she had come in without any "issues", she probably wouldn't prescribe the glasses, but since she is having the headaches, it probably wouldn't hurt to get the glasses.
Also, she had a sinus x-ray and from that they can tell there is a lot of inflammation in her sinus cavities, so they are suspecting allergies (although she has no other symptoms?? weird??) and we are going to give her zyrtec every day.
Hopefully between those two things, and it being summer time so no school stress, her headaches will be better.
Re: update on Audrey's headaches
yes, the doc thinks she will grow out of the glasses in a year or two.