
MoM+1: How do you keep up with "everything else"?

My babies are now 8 months old and DS is 4.  I feel like my to-do list is so overwhelming and never-ending.  Does everyone else feel like this or am I alone in feeling like I will never get it all done?
Dx with severe endometriosis. DS#1 conceived with Met and TI. TTC#2 for 2.5 yrs. Dx 2nd IF. 4 clomid cycles, 2 IUIs, Finally IVF#1 w/ICSI worked for us! twins born 35w3d. Unexpected total hysterectomy 6/11. Now on the HRT train.

Re: MoM+1: How do you keep up with "everything else"?

  • Same in our house!!! We've recently set up a chore chart to do just a few things each day, and that has helped us tremendously. That way we're spreading the work out and we don't have to take the time to figure out what needs to be done (because then more likely, the answer would be "I'm too tired to figure it out!"
  • Simple answer is...I don't.  I always keep up with keeping my kitchen clean, my floors clean, dishes, bathrooms, laundry and new sheets.  I have cobwebs galore throughout my house.  We did hire someone back in March to clean our house but I wasn't impressed.  We should have looked for another company but we have been too busy.  My H and I decided we will hire someone to watch our kids once a week or every other week, then I will have a day to clean and other errands. 
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  • little bits every day.... nothing is ever totally done- and we're used to having a house that is not spotless (by far).... our priority is fun with the kids, so we're OK with spending our time with them instead of cleaning... and when they are napping if i'm wiped out I don't force myself to clean either - but when i have energy i do try to get thigns done during nap time.

    little bits at a time are what i'm into now --- ie) when i'm getting ready in the morning and i'm in the bathroom and i see that the floor boards look dirty - i quickly spray and clean them... which usually ends up with me quickly spraying the toilet and cleaning that - and the mirror and sink - and it only takes me about 5-10 minutes- so it's not a big deal... and the kids are already hanging out in their cribs playing while i'm getting ready so it doesn't take away from them really...

    when i'm doing something in the kitchen and notice dog hair on the floor- i grab the handheld vacuum and quickly vacuum up stuff on the floors (our Dyson Root 6 only lasts 6 minutes- which is perfect timing for a quick floor cleanup on my entire 1st floor - small house- and doesn't take much time)

    our goal is to get a housekeeper to come every 2 weeks to do a really good cleaning... but we have to get our house in order before we can invite someone in here to clean - and we're getting there, slowly.... that's how life moves once you have kids :)

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • ougrad1ougrad1 member
    I keep my house picked up-out of sight, out of mind kind of thing. I also have a housekeeper once a week.  
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