
What would you get a 5 year old girl for Bday...

424424 member
Everyone keeps asking me what my dd wants...Honestly, she really doesn't need anything.  Too much stuff as is...Any good ideas/suggestions...She has bike/scooter...We have plenty of dolls/puzzels/board games...I have been mentioning Chuck e Cheese Tokens, gift certificate to get nails done....

Re: What would you get a 5 year old girl for Bday...

  • Arts and crafts supplies? My 5 year old DD1 would go apeshitcrazy over a bunch of art supplies... Colored pencils, glue, beads, pom pom balls, pipe cleaners, glitter, sequins, yarn, child safe scissors, ribbon, construction paper, white paper, markers, paints, stencils to trace, clay.... Basically, anything from Michael's or Hobby Lobby!
    Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11
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  • For toys etc, I would really prefer something that went with one of the sets we already own--the wood train, littlest petshops, dollhouse thing...

    I plan on getting my DD some costume jewelry (the "real" stuff old ladies wear), and a "real" jewelrybox, and painting her headboard.

    I like PP's suggestion of art supplies.  Especially googly eyes, glitter, pompoms, and all the fun "extras".

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  • I love to give Dr. Seuss's Birthday Book.
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