Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Jumparoo vs. excersaucer

Do you have both?

We have the excersaucer, but didn't know if it was worth it to get the Jumparoo?  Do they serve different purposes?

Re: Jumparoo vs. excersaucer

  • We have both. Both of them are just used to entertain DS. He prefers the jumperoo but likes both.
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  • We have both. We registered for and got the exersaucer for our shower and then I bought the jumperoo off of craigslist for $15.  So far we only have the jumperoo set up, but he loves it so we're going to set up the exersaucer this weekend for him.
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  • We have both.  We registered for the excersaucer and received both as gifts.  He likes them both, but right now he prefers the excersaucer - though I think he's still getting the hang of the jumperoo because he loves to bounce.
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  • We have both and she loves the Jumparoo...even though shorty's feet don't even reach the ground.
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