What time do your LO's go down (not what time you start their routine, but what time are they actually in their cribs even if that is drowsy but awake in crib time).
7pm has been our bedtime since they started STTN at 4 months. Still works for us at a year, so we're not changing anything anytime soon.
bfp 5/17/09 - missed m/c 6/17/09 @ 9w - stopped growing 6w 1d, D&C 6/19/09
BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
The Bump MoM Recipe Collection
Typically our guys are in their cribs by 8:15- we don't do an elaborate routine- pjs, bottle, and rocking for max of 10 minutes ( not always done- sometimes they are so drowsy that it is not needed). J&N are 6.5 months old.
Bedtime is 7:00 pm - it has been that way since about 6 months. Depending on how they nap it can be as early as 6:30 (like it was last night for DD), or as late as 7:30. During the week, it's rare they make it past 7:05.
Now... if I could only get my own bedtime on a schedule!
My babies are in their cribs at 6:30. My older child was the same. Yes, they wake up early....around 6, but that is fine with me. I am a morning person anyway. They are 8 months old today.
They are asleep in cribs between 7:15 and 7:30. We started this when theyr were 2 months old and has to be the best thing! Having our evening to ourselves is great!
Between 6:45 and 7:30, but usually they are in bed and asleep by 7:15. When we were on a 3.5h schedule, the last bottle of the day was at 7:30 and they were usually in bed by 8. Around 4.5 or 5 months though we pushed that bottle up to closer to 7 and now it's more like 6:45. Our bedtime routine is bath (on bath nights or as needed), PJs, into the kitchen for solids, bottle on the couch, then go to the nursery where we'll sit with them for a minute, say our good nights and put them in their cribs. Mine are 6.5 months old.
I must be in the minority here. Mine get their last bottles between 8-9 pm and then they are in the crib by 10 (they need upright time after eating). They sleep most of the time until 5 or 6 now. Sometimes they wake sooner, but it's much better than it was. If I put them down before 8 I would barely see them during the week.
~*~ Nikki ~*~
DS born 2/18/08!
TTC #2 since 01/2009
11/01 Round #5 Clomid 100 mg, IUI 11/14, at 10dpiui
11/26 Beta:12dpiui 114
11/29 Beta:15dpiui 755
1/9/10 First U/S: TRIPLETS!
6/20/11 And then there were six...
At 4 months it was still unpredictable somewhere between 7:30-9pm, they were still not STTN (waking around 1, 4, 6am)
A little after 5 months (when I was about to lose my mind) something clicked and they started STTN, I tended to put them down around 6:30 and both boys would sleep until 5-ish
Now at 7.5 months, they are TIRED (grumpy) and in bed no later than 6:30pm. Both boys tend to fall asleep in under 10 min, and will sleep until 4:30-5am. I am trying to coax them into a little later bedtime in hopes of getting wake time pushed to something more reasonable like 5:30/6...but my efforts are going nowhere fast.
I will admit that if they are STTN I am willing to accept their early rise time. Anything is better then stumbling out of bed every 2-3 hours to feed or replace a pacifier or just say "HI".
GL to you, everyday seems to get a little bit easier more predictable and manageable. Soon they will be scooting and finding trouble around every corner, this weeks excitement DS1 is emptying the cat bowl and trying to eat its food while I chase DS2 away from the stereo...time for a Twin Pen
Asleep by 7pm on most nights. Any later and we've got some super cranky babies! They are 9 months today.
BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d
Last bottle around 7:30. In cribs around 7:45. Asleep around 8 (usually, sometimes DS likes to babble himself to sleep and might do so for another 30 min).
At 4 months it was 8:45 in crib (I think...I swear I have forgotten SO MUCH)
Around 5 months I moved their bedtime routine to start at 7:30, so they are in their cribs at 7:45. It's stayed that way. DH gets home from work at 7, so I won't put them to bed any earleir than that. They do well with that bedtime, and sleep until 8 - so I'm not changing a thing!
N & R are 7.5 months. They are in their cribs between 7-730pm. They dictated that bedtime around 2.5 months old. We found they just couldn't go any later. Works for me. I get more of an evening with the hubs.
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wow so many bedtimes in the 7 o'clock range! We're just hitting 8 p.m. for DD and closer to 9 p.m. for DS. I think I may be letting them nap too long for their third nap of the day.
Re: Bedtimes - what's yours?
They are in their cribs anytime between 6:30 and 7:30 and it's been that way since they were a month old.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
The Bump MoM Recipe Collection
Bedtime is 7:00 pm - it has been that way since about 6 months. Depending on how they nap it can be as early as 6:30 (like it was last night for DD), or as late as 7:30. During the week, it's rare they make it past 7:05.
Now... if I could only get my own bedtime on a schedule!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
7pm starting 4 months.
730 around 18 months.
Now, 730-800 around 3 years.
At 4 months it was still unpredictable somewhere between 7:30-9pm, they were still not STTN (waking around 1, 4, 6am)
A little after 5 months (when I was about to lose my mind) something clicked and they started STTN, I tended to put them down around 6:30 and both boys would sleep until 5-ish
Now at 7.5 months, they are TIRED (grumpy) and in bed no later than 6:30pm. Both boys tend to fall asleep in under 10 min, and will sleep until 4:30-5am. I am trying to coax them into a little later bedtime in hopes of getting wake time pushed to something more reasonable like 5:30/6...but my efforts are going nowhere fast.
I will admit that if they are STTN I am willing to accept their early rise time. Anything is better then stumbling out of bed every 2-3 hours to feed or replace a pacifier or just say "HI".
GL to you, everyday seems to get a little bit easier more predictable and manageable. Soon they will be scooting and finding trouble around every corner, this weeks excitement DS1 is emptying the cat bowl and trying to eat its food while I chase DS2 away from the stereo...time for a Twin Pen
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d
At 4 months 9pm
By 7 months 7 pm and it has stayed like that ever since.
They are 20 months.
At 4 months it was 8:45 in crib (I think...I swear I have forgotten SO MUCH)
Around 5 months I moved their bedtime routine to start at 7:30, so they are in their cribs at 7:45. It's stayed that way. DH gets home from work at 7, so I won't put them to bed any earleir than that. They do well with that bedtime, and sleep until 8 - so I'm not changing a thing!
At 4 months they were in their swing until we went to bed... around 11pm. They were probably asleep around 8:00.
At 6 months they were in bed by 7 and I was in bed around 10pm
From 1-2 years they were in bed by 6-6:30 and I was in bed around 9pm
They are now in bed by 7pm... talk til 7:30ish and I go to bed between 9-10pm
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
This. O & S are almost 8 months.
wow so many bedtimes in the 7 o'clock range! We're just hitting 8 p.m. for DD and closer to 9 p.m. for DS. I think I may be letting them nap too long for their third nap of the day.
Hmmmm....lots to think about. Thanks ladies!