D.C. Area Babies

XP from the Nest - cute baby boutique in DC?

Hey ladies!  I'm not a mom yet, so I don't frequent this board, but I have tons of friends who are having babies this year.  One of them is coming to visit and had expressed a desire to do some baby shopping while she's here for her future daughter.  I have no clue about baby boutiques in DC, but I would welcome suggestions for cute, off-the-beaten-path places that could be fun.  TIA!

Re: XP from the Nest - cute baby boutique in DC?

  • I love Pink and Brown and Appleseed in Old Town.  Pink and Brown is mostly organic baby stuff and Appleseed has a mixture for mom and baby.  Then you can take her to lunch/shopping in Old Town too!  You can never go wrong with Old Town IMO. 
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