Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Nutrimigen Users

Why is this in the description of the formula?

Is the nutrition different than regular formula? How is it different other than its partially digested already?


Long-Term Usage

Nutramigen LIPIL is designed to provide a sole source of nutrition for infants up to age 6 months, and provide a major source of nutrition through 12 months of age. Normally, in feeding infants, gradual introduction of solid foods after 4?6 months of age is an important developmental as well as nutritional step.

In cases of severe and multiple food allergies or intolerances, Nutramigen LIPIL is sometimes continued as a milk substitute in the diet of children. This and similar supplemental use of Nutramigen LIPIL in the diet beyond 12 months of age may make a significant contribution to maintenance of good nutrition in such patients. When Nutramigen LIPIL is used as a milk substitute, the total calcium content of the diet should be assessed.

Although detrimental effects of prolonged use of Nutramigen LIPIL as the sole source of diet beyond 6 months of age have not been reported, there is no basis on which to recommend such a practice. Extended use of Nutramigen LIPIL (or other infant formulas) as a sole source of diet is most appropriately monitored by physicians and nutritionists on a case-by-case basis, with attention to developmental as well as nutritional implications of such a dietary regimen.


Re: Nutrimigen Users

  • probably because its hypoallergenic lactose free and for babies with a cows milk protein allergy
  • I think it is just a disclaimer.  All children should be evaluated by their doctors and if they see something going on, they should be the ones to adjust the diet.

    We just got put on this yesterday.  We add it to my milk (dairy free diet).  As they explained it to us, it breaks down the proteins in the cow's milk to make it ok for babies allergic to cow's milk (which is why we were put on it).  Apparently, babies are allergic to the proteins in the milk, not the milk itself (which is why we were told not to go on soy - the same thing could happen).  The nutritionist said that since it is broken down, it makes digestion so much easier for babies. 

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  • The nurse at my pedi's office told me that Nutramigen has the milk proteins completely broken down, when gentle ease has the proteins only partially broken down.

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