I'm sure it's been asked, and eff the new nest format and the crapass search function, but how do you know when you should be concerned? Part of me thinks I may have it, but then there's that other part that wants to just right it off to stress, exhaustion, and my world being turned upside down in general.
I love my baby more than ANYTHING, but everytime I look at him, part of me wants to cry. I don't know why. I don't want to hurt him, I don't want to hurt myself (although sometimes I wonder what would happen to DS and DH if I wasn't here). I can't concentrate on work. I can't focus in general. All day so far, I've been on the verge of tears and I don't know why.
Depression runs in my family on both sides, and my mom had PPD with my little sister. I want to talk to her right now, but she is OOT this week and tough to get a hold of.
I know only a doctor can ultimately diagnose what's wrong, but how are we supposed to even be able to begin tell PPD apart from exhaustion, stress, garden variety depression, or baby blues?
Sorry so long, but does anyone have any insight? For PPD ladies, what was the final straw that made you seek help?
Re: s/o PPD - help please...
I don't know if this helps or not, but here is my experience with PPD. And just remember it doesn't hurt to call your doctor and just talk to them about how you are feeling. It will probably make you feel better and answer some of the quetions you listed here. GL!
About a week after we came home I had 2 really bad nights in a row with DS. He was up all night screaming and crying, nothing would calm him down. After those nights I couldn't stop crying (seriously non stop crying all day and night), I was an emotional wreck. I would get anxiety and didn't want to be alone with DS at all. When my DH would leave for work in the am my mom would come over and at evenings I MIL would come over and spend the night. It was the worst, worst feeling in the world not wanting to be around DS and almost being afraid of him. I think I had a really bad case of PPD. On my Mom's urging I went and saw my doctor and he recommended I talk with a counselor, which I did and it was wonderful. I also got a prescription to ease the anxiety. After a few weeks on the medication, and a few counseling sessions all was good. I look back at those first few weeks and feel like I missed out on so much, but in reality I couldn't take care of our son. If you think by any chance you are going through PPD get to your doctors. They can totally help you so much. Don't be afraid or scared. It is more common then you think, and it doesn't mean your not a good mom or anything is wrong with you. Best of Luck