Babies: 0 - 3 Months


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I feel like I haven't "seen" you in days Stick out tongue

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker,Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker image


  • I've barely been on the past few days- work is crazy! Today is our deadline, so hopefully things will be back to normal by the end of the day. I'm sick of working late! My house is a wreck and I haven't been able to spend too much time with Robbie. Crying

     How are you doing?

  • I'm doing fine. I haven't been on as much either...I don't really "fit" on this board anymore Sad I've been venturing to 6-12 and EFF more lately. I miss the crowd here though Stick out tongue

    I hope you can get back to "normal" soon once it slows down at work! The week is almost half over, right?!

    Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker,Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker image
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  • I'm soooo glad the week is almost half over. I am working from home tomorrow morning, so hopefully the rest of the week will fly by. This weekend I'm going out with some other mommies- looking forward to it!

    I can't believe your DD is already over half a year! So sad Tongue Tied They get too big, too quick.

  • That's great that you get to WAH tomorrow!

    And ugh...I know. Too big, too fast Sad

    Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker,Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker image
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