Babies: 0 - 3 Months

spit up or projectile vomit?

I just fed DS. When he finished with one side I burped him. After a very nice burp he proceeded to spit up what appears to be the entire meal. I was covered in it. Both he and I needed to change. I am a little worried because it seemed like a lot but he seems happy now and doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all. He is making mouth movements like he wants to eat again. Also sometime in the middle of the night he seemed to have spit up a good amount. I didn't see him do it but when I went to get him in the middle of the night there was a big wet spot on his sheet.

I know all babies spit up but my concern is the amount and this time it really came flying out, not just a little spit up.

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Re: spit up or projectile vomit?

  • Just keep an eye on him, but I am sure it is okay. I know what it is like to be covered in spit up, but I have read that even when it truly seems as though the whole meal came up, it is never as much as it seems. Since he doesn't seem bothered, I would not worry too much!
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  • We had that problem with DD also, but with her it started almost right away when she was maybe 2 weeks old. We were really worried at first, but she still gained weight so apparently she was getting enough to eat. Most babies have some sort of reflux at that age and my DD never cried or seemed to be in pain when it happened so we just always made sure to have lots of burp cloths around and it subsided by the time she was about 9 or 10 weeks old. Now when she spits up (which isn't often) it's more normal and not quite so drenching hehe.

    The only tip I have is to try and burp her in the sitting up position instead of over your shoulder. At least you can see it coming! LOL

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  • I just asked DD's pedi about this yesterday at her 4 week checkup.  He asked if she cried after and got fussy.  I said no and he said that she is probably getting a fast flow of milk when she eats and that's why she spits up like that.  He suggested I get a nipple shield to slow my let down flow.  We went to get one right after her appt and no spit ups since I've been using it!! Is your let down fast? You might consider trying that to see if it helps.  GL!
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  • i was just reading yesterday that one of the reasons it seems like so much when they spit up is that it is mixed with saliva.  so that it may not actually be as much as you think. 
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