My daughter is in a body cast, and I can't use CDs while she's in it. So, we actually have to use a woman's incontinence pad inside a diaper tucked into the cutout on her cast.
anyway, she's had some watery poo the last day or so and now has her 1st diaper rash ever. Its barely anything of a rash, and I'm changing her more often and slathering her with CJs BUTTer and it's already looking better... But every time she poops it gets a little more red again. Can't really do naked time in a body cast. It makes for a VERY messy cast.
anyway. Just a vent. Icant wait to get this thing off so we can CD again.
Dx: MFI, DOR, 9 Fibroids and homozygous MTHFR
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"If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn."
Re: Stupid disposables
The two men in my life. Oh, and I have a husband too...
Ask the doctors about the prescription cream called Happy Heinys (Sure I misspelled it) it is a compound diaper rash cream for babies whose skin is breaking down. DD gets acid burn really bad from pooping no matter how soon I change her and this has helped a ton.
I can email you the formula for the version DD has if you are interested. ayeats84 at gmail dot com
I hope your daughter is better soon so you can get back to CDs I hate sposies too now!