Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Soy Formula?

Dr. had suggested this for DD, but google searches are showing many bad things associated with it. I had asked him about this and he said it does not concern him- people have been feeding it for years.

I am still uneasy.


Re: Soy Formula?

  • I asked about switching DS to sensitive and the pedi gave me soy instead.  I didn't really ( and still don't) know her reasoning.  I thought the sensitive would be better because I didn't think he had a milk allergy.  I thought he was just sensitive to the lactose. I didn't google because it usually freaks me out and I already didn't really want to switch to soy.  I figured if the pedi suggested it though, it must be ok.  The soy works wonders for his fussiness and gas.  He was spitting up before too and doesn't spit up hardly at all anymore.  It works for us.

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  • I worry about the soy issues, as well.  Can you swith her to something milk based but "gentle" or without milk or soy?


    I'm sure you've read that soy is used 10 times as much in the US than other countries and that is some countries it's by prescription only.

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  • I started DS on soy formula after BF because it is supposed to be more gentle and he spit up a lot.  It didn't help with the spitting up.  The only thing it did was make it where I had to change him every time he spit up because it smells SO BAD! 
  • This is just a shot in the dark, but there has been research done connecting soy formula & nut allergies - IF there is a history of allergies in your family.  DH had nut allergies as a kid & is still allergic to some, he was on soy formula as a kid.  SIL's son was also on soy as a kid & now has nut allergies.  So if you have nut allergies in your family you might want to be careful.
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