Hi ladies, I cant seem to search the boards so i'm wondering if any of you had an early u/s around 5w5days? I had to go in today due to left side pain. They ruled out ectopic and they saw the sac in my uterus but could not see a fetal pole. Then they also did an internal and she really couldn't see much based on how my uterus was tipped according to the tech. So i have to go back in a week. the doctor said shes not worried but you know how mommies are. I am concerned bc I think some people even can see a hb by now? Have any of you not seen a fetal pole around 5w5d? This waiting is the worst! thanks girls.
ps for some reason when i try to search the boards i always get an error message, anyone else? i would like to see if anyone else has posted about this.
Re: anyone have u/s around 5w5d? couldn't see fetal pole
My u/s was at 5w 2d and we saw the gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole. 5 weeks is very early yet my doctor wasn't at all alarmed by what we saw he didn't expect to see much more than that. Exactly 1 week 6w 2d later we went back and saw our LO with a flicker and hr of 113 so don't worry! You are still very early yet! Hopefully you have another u/s soon so you can see that heartbeat!
Me! I had to wait two weeks after my first U/S at 5 1/2 weeks (which actually turned out to be closer to six weeks we found out after the second U/S). We saw a gestational sac and "maybe" a yolk sac, but no fetal pole. I returned for my second U/S and the tech saw a HB immediately, and added a few days to my gestation based on growth.
I did a ridiculous amount of google searching in the interim two weeks and I would recommend NOT to do that. It only made me more anxious for a "problem" that is completely normal at that stage in pregnancy.
Good luck!
My Ovulation Chart
I had almost exactly this same experience. Gestation sac and yolk sac at 5w4d, then a week later 6w4d saw our "Blobby" and the heartbeat.
#2 BFP 9/25/2014 EDD 6/10/2015
I know we talked about this in my post a couple of min ago, but seriously, this is EXACTLY what I went through...but my sharp pain was on my right side. They did a u/s to rule out a tubal preg. They did say that the pain was probably from a ruptured cyst bc of some free fluid. Yesterday during my follow up u/s they told me that until the placenta takes over the yolk sac helps the baby, but believe it or not, there is some benefit to having the cyst in this early part of preg and that now my left ovary had one.
Keep trying to stay positive....seriously, I could have written your post myself last week.
Breast-feeding, co-sleeping, Christian SAHM and wife.
I went in yesterday for my first u/s because the doctor kept saying I was 9 weeks based on my last AF but I knew I was only 5 or 6 if that because I was charting. She still insisted I come in so I did and all we could see was the sac. No yolk or anything. I was a little worried because if I was 5 or 6 weeks I thought we should be able to see those things but the sac was so small that it wouldn't even register a due date. She told me she wasn't worried at all and scheduled me back in 2 weeks. GL!