For those of you who have a preschooler or older, when do kids get beyond the scribbling stage or drawing one item stage? I think DS is getting there, but when I show him how to draw, say a train, with a rectangle, a square, two circles and a triangle for the front he won't repllicate it. He can draw the shapes independently, but he won't put them together. Does that make sense? Am I expecting something that is more 4 or 5 year old level?
I do have to say that if we play with his shaped blocks he will "build" items by putting the shapes together. I'm just wondering if the drawing coordination isn't there yet.
Re: Preschoolers and drawing ?
how old is he?
Jack hates to draw. I hate it. Every kid I know that is almost 4 enhoys practicing letters, drawing shapes, smily faces,etc. Not my Jack, he could CARE LESS. He gets angry if I even ask him to try. For mothers day cards this year he would only make a circle, and I fibbed and filled in the face.
I know that he knows the letters, and I just keep offering other creative outlets ( playdough, painting, cutting, stamps) hoping he builds his confidence and his interest.
I am not the least bit worried, but I will be mentioning it to my pedi at his well check.
Nathaniel just turned 3 in April, so that's why I thought maybe I was expecting too much.
He loves to color, paint, glue, etc. The bigger the mess the more fun he has! LOL
From what I remember from college, this is something that children really develop at different ages (3-5). For the train example, that's a lot of brain work to translate into a fine motor activity. I think it's pretty good that he can draw the shapes without necessarily placing them in the "correct" spots on the page.
I had kindergartners who still could not draw shapes, but that's NOT typical. It sounds like you are really encouraging the drawing and I'm sure he'll start putting it all together soon!