DD is just not interested in eating a lot and I wonder if she's getting enough. I took her to the doctor office today just to have her weight checked and she still has 4oz to gain before she's back to her birth weight of 8lbs 8oz. She has her first peds appointment next wed. Could she possibly gain those 4 oz by her 2 week appointment on wed? Should I try to feed on a more strict 2hr schedule?
Re: Concerned...
You have to be really vigilant until they regain their birth weight. It might mean getting your baby undressed and rubbing a wet washcloth over her chest to keep her awake enough to eat.
Sometimes you have to irriate the baby enough to stay awake and eat. Feet tickling also works well.
Good luck!
feed as often as you can and she is willing and until she is back up you will need to make sure that no more then 3 hrs go by w/out eating.
It's possible to gain that much in a few days but don't worry if she doesn't. as long as she is slowly going up, the dr shouldn't be too concerned