Babies: 0 - 3 Months

First weekend away??

My DH wants to go on a weekend trip the weekend after Thanks. It's to the desert (camping). He actually thought we could bring DD. Um, 3 month old preemie in the desert camping where its cold at night, I think not!

Anyway, when i shot down his idea, he suggested a babysitter(basically my mom). I said no way. One reason being I will not send DD with my mom overnight when she isn't STTN (which she could be by then but you never know) and i dont want to leave her overight yet anyway.

Now he thinks he can go without me (see how he built it up to this? I know he knew I would shoot him down). My thinking is we have a small baby and therefore need to give up these kind of trips for the time being until she is older AND if i can't go, neither can he! (I am so mean! haha). I told him we will see and left it at that.

WWYD in this situation? Let DH go and spend the weekend alone or make him stay home with you?

Some background info: My DH is one of those who is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that it isnt about him anymore and things revlove around DD. He also thinks cause I am off of work that means I am sole caregiver of DD and he can still go to bars on the weekends and stay out until 2am b/c he figures I will always stay home with DD. Yes, he's a jerk and has since been talked to and he;s better now but my bitterness towards him is still there a bit.

Re: First weekend away??

  • hmmm. why the hell would dh want to go away by himself for a weekend?  no friends? just by himself?

    I would sit him down amd tell him you are not a single mom and that you'd love a weekend away but right now it's not possibble and you really need his help.

    he needs to step it up...being a parent means it's not about you anymore...plain and simple. he should want to be with you and your daughter.

    gosh...this makes me love my dh 1 million time over!


    good luck!



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  • oh sorry i meant to add that its a weekend trip with his cousins.

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  • oooooooooh i was like wtf?

    eh...on one hand it might be goof for him to get away, but...really i think that would be selfish since  you don't get a weekend away from the baby.

    but really i think he needs to learn that now he has to sacrafuce and that means he needs to be with the family.

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  • until he "gets" that he can't go, he can't go.  It's a very zen thing.  Once your DH has an understanding that he can't just go off and go camping with his cousins whenever he feels like it, then you can make special plans for him to go.

    Some men take years to figure it out.

  • I would tell him fine if he want to go then go. but i will also be expecting the same consideration in return. the prospect of giving up his own time (as you have obviously done) to help take care of your child may make him see a little more clearly.  i hope everything works out!!
  • imageBrahimBride:

    until he "gets" that he can't go, he can't go.  It's a very zen thing.  Once your DH has an understanding that he can't just go off and go camping with his cousins whenever he feels like it, then you can make special plans for him to go.

    Some men take years to figure it out.

    you know I completely agree with you! It would be nice to know that he just says no first. If he would have mentioned to me about the trip and told me he said no cuz hailey is so young I may think, why not? just go. But he doesnt get it.

  • Actually, personally I'd go. We nearly did a camping trip w/ DS when he was about 3 months, it just turned out that we made it a day thing instead of staying the night. I don't think it would be that much trouble to take the baby along and it definitely wouldn't be to tough to keep him warm.

    But my little guy was only 3 weeks early, yours was 7 yes? I don't know what kind of difference that makes....

  • Well, I don't know what to tell you about the "he's a jerk" part.  Do YOU want to go camping and does your mom want to take DD for the weekend?  It might be a fun time for grandparent bonding. 


    We recently left DD with parents for 2 days so we could go to an out of town wedding and DD is not STTN.  She wakes twice to feed and goes right back to sleep though.


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