Babies: 0 - 3 Months

PG drama

So FIL's partner's neice (yeah, that's confusing, sorry) is PG. 4 months along. She and her DH just got married last Xmas, they're 20 and 21 I think.

So tonight, I'm over at FILs for dinner, and she texts her uncle (FILs partner) saying 'I think the baby likes birthday cake, it keeps kicking!  I'm going to eat the whole thing!'

LOL. Right, you're 4 months along, this is your first kid, and you can feel the baby kicking like crazy ... chick, you have GAS. I told him he should text that back to her but he wouldn't. I asked if she was showing yet and he said yes, but not in the belly. I'm like, what?  Apparently she's gained over 30lbs so far and lays on the couch all day for no reason.


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The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11


Re: PG drama

  • Ha!  That's excellent. 
  • I could feel Seth kicking a TON when I was 16 weeks along.  I know it was kicks a) because it never stopped and got stronger as I got farther along and b) both DH and I could feel the kicks with our hands on my belly.

    That said, she could have gas.  Who knows.  But it IS possible to feel the baby a lot at 4 months.

    As for gaining 30 lbs. by this point and showing "not in the belly"... well, she's going to regret that birthday cake in a few months when she's waddling!

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  • Ohhh 30 lbs already?? Ouch.

    My soon to be SIL (after her divorce is final from 2nd husband) said she saw the legs kicking around at her SIX WEEK APPT.?

    Oh and she has 2 kids already. One by each ex husband. You know you're not surprised. You would think she would know better, huh??

  • One of the first things my dad said to me when I got pregnant was, "Don't be one of those girls who think because they are pregnant can eat whatever they want".  He didn't want me to diet or anything but eat healthy.
  • Both me and DH elt Evan kick at 16 weeks.
  • I felt DD at 14 weeks, BUT she was my second baby and could identify the difference between gas and flutters.  DD also did acrobatics for cake.  I hate cake but obliged her.  BUT, I was 22 weeks when I could notice the correlation between cake and kicks.  30 POUNDS?  She is going to be huge if she doesn't get off her arse and move some!  I guess if we could have beebee brides on the Knot then we can say beebee mommy to be on the bump...right?
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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Agree with pp... I could definitely feel DD kicking at 16 weeks, and she was my first baby.  I hadn't put on 30 lbs though, that's for sure!!
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