Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Since DD's been here, my anxiety has doubled. I feel anxious about everything-leaving the house, feeding her, if she is content, someone trying to kidnap her, someone breaking into my house, car accidents, etc... And the bad things that I am afraid of, I can almost visualize them happening. I just cannot relax anymore.

Yesterdays trip to the pumpkin patch caused me so much stress and anxiety because she was unhappy, that I gave myself an awful headache. Its like anything that does not go as planned make me completely stressed out and now physically sick.

Not sure who to talk to about this-my pcp, ob??? I feel like I need to be on medicine to control it, but I bf, and do not want to take anything that will be passed to her. Does anyone else feel like this?

Josie Cailin 7/25/08 Asher Mason 7/19/10

Re: Anxiety

  • i had to go to the doctor for ppd....i was diagnosed with severe ppd and now am on zoloft....

    zoloft is a med that you can go on that won't hurt your baby.....

    i talked to a pcp (not my regular cause she doesn't work on tues.thurs) 

  • I talked to my gp.  He put me on Lexapro.  This stuff works great.  I can control my moods much better.
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  • talk to your pcp. see if you can get a referral for therapy maybe? i have anxiety stuff too. i hear you on the visualizing horrific things. it's a bad habit i am in. hope you find some relief.
  • Talk to you PCP and see what they think.  Anxiety is normal for a new mom.  I obsess over how much DD eats and sleeps.  I worry excessively when she gets fussy.  I watch every little thing she does and I analyze everything.  I did the same with DS.  I was not PPD, just overly concerned.  Discuss it honestly with you PCP and see what they think.  Good luck.  It does get better, but anxiety is normal.
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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • definitely talk to your doc! anxiety is awful to have to deal with, but you certainly don't have to just put up with it. Like pps said, there are meds you can take that are safe while bfing. I'm also on Lexapro and as for the tiny amount that may pass through the milk, it's worth it versus the kind of mom I am when i'm not taking care of myself and taking meds.
  • Please talk to your dr.  Anxiety is actually one of the most common symptoms of PPD.


    And it doesn't matter what you know, who you know or how smart you are.  PPD can hit anyone.  Trust me...I know.

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