Why is this true? I ask because I was making dinner tonight, and my DH gave my DS a 2.5 oz bottle of my BM to tide him over until after dinner (it's only his third bottle, so I have absolutely no idea how much he usually eats). DS fell asleep promptly thereafter in his swing, and so I pumped -- and got 5.5 oz. That's so confusing to me. Based upon what I pumped, I assume he would have eaten about 6 ounces had I fed him (this kid never turns down the boob, and almost always takes both breasts). But apparently 2.5 ounces was enough to make him contended and full enough to sleep.
Babies are confusing .
Re: You can't overfeed a breastfed baby...
My baby is the opposite - there was a point where he was drinking more EBM at daycare than I was able to pump at home - and I'm a pretty good pumper. Then on the weekends, I don't pump, and can tell that he's not drinking as much as I feel fuller.
You're right, babies can be confusing sometimes!
A few things.
Did you double pump? If so, do you normally feed off both sides at that time?
BF babies will sometimes eat less from bottles than they do from mom.
He could have just been sleepier and didn't want anymore tonight. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched! He very well may be up earlier in the middle of the night wanting to eat.
My DD tends to take very little if we bottle feed BM for her last feeding of the night. Last weekend the inlaws watched her Saturday night. She apparently only had a few sips before going to sleep. Woke up a little bit later, had a couple sips again. Then she woke up in the middle of the night and took 8oz!!
when you are breastfeeding from the breast you can't becuase the baby will change his sucking pattern when he just needs to comfort suck he will take less milk. When he takes a bottle the milk flows out much faster due to gravity so a baby who is want to comfort suck will continue drinking all of the milk so he can be over fed when taking breastmilk from a bottle Check out this link from KellyMom.com about how many ounces of epressed breast milk to offer based on how many feedings you baby has per day.