they're in Colt's Neck. I'll let you know when we're heading up there next. We're waiting to see how FIL reacts to the chemo he started today. We'll def be up at Thanksgiving and probably at Christmas.
Thanks!! He just had his first round of iv chemo, another 9 weeks to go!!! He was doing the driving on the way home from Sloan until MIL made him pull over b/c he wouldn't get off of the phone! I hope that's a good sign. Thanks again for your prayers.
Re: zigby
I am very close to colts neck.
I hope your FIL does well with the chemo. ?
definitely let me know when you'll be here! we'll definitely GTG!?
there's lot of places we could meet up! so many parks if the weather is park-able if not, there are alternatives! ?
definitely let me know!
prayers for your FIL! ?