Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Peg Perego Skate

'Allo:  The hubs and I have been looking at strollers of late, seeing as how there seem to be some good prices on '08 models (geez, you'd think they were cars).

Anyhoo, we seemed to really like the Peg Perego Skate, but I wondered if any moms had any real use reviews for us on it?


Re: Peg Perego Skate

  • i have it and love it.  Great in all environments (stores,streets,etc).  Worth the price.
  • I covet it, if that helps any.
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  • Thanks!

    It's a ton of money even at the $480 sale price, but if it's worth it...

  • I have it and hate it.  I wish I'd bought a Bugaboo. We've had trouble with the basinett feature.  We went away and put DS in there to sleep when we woke up he was half way out of the it because it adjusted to the sitting up position.  We  contacted peg, they said they would send a label and then it would take two week to get it back.  Yea right, a person spends a fortune on a stroller and should wait 3 weeks for it to be repaired.  Horrible customer service.  The name plate was glued onto the handle and it fell off. In my opinion it's a price of crap.  They sent us a replacement and it was missing the plastic stick on name plate for the handle.  
  • Oh noes!  Hmmm....

    I don't know that I can spend the $900 for the Bugaboo though...

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