Babies: 0 - 3 Months

c/s girls - is this normal?

I noticed today that just to the right and a little above one side of my scar I'm having a decent amount of pain.  It's just inside my hip bones, about where I guess my ovaries are.  I didn't sleep much the past 2 nights, so the days/nights sort of blend.  However it seems like the pain came on gradually.  I don't 'feel' like anything's wrong (lol) but still thought I'd ask.

Feels almost like a pulled muscle.  Hurts when I push in on that area, and when I push in on my belly (like around my belly button).  There's one place that's the most sore and then a thinner strip that's sore coming up from it.  The strip isn't as sore though.

It's mostly an ache, that I'd rate about a 3.  But if I turn left or right, lean forward or backward, it hurts more, like probably a 4-5.  Then I get occasional sharp pains there that are a 5-6.  It also hurts more if I take a deep breath and push my stomach out,

I don't remember doing anything that could pull a muscle, but it's very possible I did and didn't realize it. 

 Just wondering if any of you have experienced this.  TIA!

Re: c/s girls - is this normal?

  • Yes I had this this weekend as I was walking around the mall faster than I should have.


    We both have to take it easy. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had abdominal surgery years ago, and just recently had a c/s almost 3 weeks ago...kind of sounds like you may have just torn some scar tissue.  I'd call the doc if it gets worse.
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  • I used to have pain in the same spot.  Not sure if its normal, but mine went away eventually
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I had strange pains and sensations for about 3.5 months...and the severity and type pf pain depended on what I had been doing on any particular day.  Sounds like you're doing a lot of pushing, pulling, poking, sucking, etc...I never had the courage to explore that much...the whole thing just freaked me out!  I think what you're experiencing is normal, but its a good idea to call the Dr anyway just in case and for piece of mind :)
  • makes sense that maybe i tore some scar tissue. thanks again everyone!

  • Totally normal. My doc emphasized that you don't have just one incision... there are additional ones on different layers inside, too. And those go much longer than what you see on the outside.Also, the ends of the incisions are often more painful because that is where (tmi) knots are rubbing... so having pain near your hip is probably the knot of an internal incision. ?At least, that is what they told me!
    "The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one." --Jill Churchill

    Pre-e w/DD #1 -- now age four! GD and PIH w/DD#2 -- now age two! GD and unexplained third trimester bleeding with baby # 3 -- due Feb 27!
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