I noticed today that just to the right and a little above one side of my scar I'm having a decent amount of pain. It's just inside my hip bones, about where I guess my ovaries are. I didn't sleep much the past 2 nights, so the days/nights sort of blend. However it seems like the pain came on gradually. I don't 'feel' like anything's wrong (lol) but still thought I'd ask.
Feels almost like a pulled muscle. Hurts when I push in on that area, and when I push in on my belly (like around my belly button). There's one place that's the most sore and then a thinner strip that's sore coming up from it. The strip isn't as sore though.
It's mostly an ache, that I'd rate about a 3. But if I turn left or right, lean forward or backward, it hurts more, like probably a 4-5. Then I get occasional sharp pains there that are a 5-6. It also hurts more if I take a deep breath and push my stomach out,
I don't remember doing anything that could pull a muscle, but it's very possible I did and didn't realize it.
Just wondering if any of you have experienced this. TIA!
Re: c/s girls - is this normal?
Yes I had this this weekend as I was walking around the mall faster than I should have.
We both have to take it easy.
makes sense that maybe i tore some scar tissue. thanks again everyone!
Pre-e w/DD #1 -- now age four! GD and PIH w/DD#2 -- now age two! GD and unexplained third trimester bleeding with baby # 3 -- due Feb 27!